MediaMonkey 目前不适用于 Mac 或 Linux(尽管我们已开始通过 MediaMonkey 5 使 MediaMonkey 做好跨平台发布的准备)。
对于那些需要立即解决问题的人,一些用户已经在 Wine 下的 Linux 和 OS X 以及其他几个免费和共享虚拟化产品上测试了 MediaMonkey 3/4/5,发现它运行得出奇的好。
虚拟化产品最常见的问题是 Windows 驱动程序模拟和 DirectX 对硬件(GPU 和声卡)的访问。为了与此类驱动程序实现最佳兼容性,用户发现以下设置效果最佳:
- 在虚拟环境操作系统下安装MediaMonkey
- 首次启动时不播放任何曲目
- 直接进入工具 -> 选项 -> 播放器 -> 输出插件
- 选择 Wave Out 插件
- 点击配置
- 将缓冲区设置为 200ms/0ms/0ms
- 确认并保存更改
- 关闭并重新启动 MediaMonkey
此时播放应该可以正常工作。用户已在 VMware Fusion、Mac 上的 Parallels 和 Linux 上的 VMWare Workstation 上测试了这些设置。
注意:您需要配置虚拟化环境以共享 MediaMonkey 可以访问您的媒体文件的本地系统文件夹。
MediaMonkey is not currently available for Mac or Linux (although with MediaMonkey 5 we have begun work on making MediaMonkey ready for cross-platform releases).
For those that require an immediate solution, some users have tested MediaMonkey 3/4/5 on Linux and OS X under Wine and several other free and shareware virtualization products and found that it works surprisingly well.
The most common problem of virtualization products is Windows Driver emulation and DirectX access to hardware (both GPU and Sound Cards). For best compatibility with such drivers, users have found the following settings work best:
- Install MediaMonkey under virtual environment OS
- On initial startup don’t play any tracks
- Go directly to Tools -> Options -> Player -> Output Plugins
- Select Wave Out Plugin
- Click on Configure
- Set buffer settings to 200ms/0ms/0ms
- Confirm and save Changes
- Close and Restart MediaMonkey
At this point playback should work correctly. Users have tested these settings on VMware Fusion, Parallels on Mac, VMWare Workstation on Linux.
Note: You’ll need to configure your virtualization environment to share the local system folder that MediaMonkey has access to your your media files.
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