在某些情况下,如果键盘(或遥控器)有自己的自定义驱动程序(而不是使用常备的 Windows Media 控件),多媒体键盘上的多媒体键可能无法正常工作。在这些情况下,解决方案是删除自定义驱动程序或更新键盘的配置文件以将 MediaMonkey 包含在受支持的播放器列表中。在某些情况下,辅助应用程序或插件可以更好地集成 MediaMonkey。下面列出了几种流行键盘的选项:
- 如果您有 Microsoft 键盘并且 IntelliType 正在运行,则当 MediaMonkey 最小化到托盘时多媒体按钮可能不起作用。可能的解决方案是:
- 卸载 IntelliType PRO(或通过 RegEdit 从 RunOnce 注册表中删除 iType.exe)。所有媒体键将按预期工作。
- 将值 PreferLLKeysHook = 1 添加到MediaMonkey.ini文件的 [options] 部分。这会导致 MediaMonkey 使用低级键盘驱动程序,其效果是允许热键全局工作,但 MediaMonkey 会以延迟的方式工作。
- 使用 IntelliType 分配宏。运行应用程序,从键列表中选择播放/暂停,然后单击 [分配/管理宏…] 按钮。分配例如“Ctrl+P”作为宏,然后在 MediaMonkey 选项中将“Ctrl+P”配置为全局热键。
- 使用 SetPoint 驱动程序的 Logitech 键盘(已在 Logitech 无线桌面 EX-110 和 EX-90 上测试版本 v4.24):关闭 Logitech SetPoint 托盘图标并编辑键盘驱动程序附带的 Players.ini 文件,在 ini 文件的每个部分中添加以下内容:
mmonkey=cmd,MediaMonkey.exe,TFMainWindow,xxx,xxx,39999,39999,40047,40044,40048,0,1,MediaMonkey S
mmonkeyns=cmd,MediaMonkey (non-skinned).exe,TFMainWindow,xxx,xxx,39999,39999,40047,40044,40048,0,1,MediaMonkey NS
mmonkeyw1=cmd,MEDIAMONKEY.EXE,WINAMP V1.X,xxx,xxx,39999,39999,40047,40044,40048,0,1,MediaMonkey W1
mmonkeyw2=cmd,MediaMonkey.exe,Winamp v1.x,xxx,xxx,39999,39999,40047,40044,40048,0,1,MediaMonkey W2
mmonkeyw3=cmd,MEDIAMONKEY (NON-SKINNED).EXE,WINAMP V1.X,xxx,xxx,39999,39999,40047,40044,40048,0,1,MediaMonkey W3
mmonkeyw4=cmd,MediaMonkey (non-skinned).exe,Winamp v1.x,xxx,xxx,39999,39999,40047,40044,40048,0,1,MediaMonkey W4
mmonkey=path,c:\Program Files\MediaMonkey
- 还可以通过使用通用键来使设定点驱动程序工作:a) 通过 http://uberoptions.net/ 下载并安装 UberOptions b) 根据需要自定义所有媒体键,例如,如果您希望播放/暂停按钮播放,请将其设置为“其他:通用按钮”并选择适当的操作。
- Logitech G15 键盘有自己的自定义驱动程序,但它可以通过第三方插件 Winamp Visual System (WVS) [ http://mylcd.sourceforge.net/ ] 与 MediaMonkey 集成,尽管名称如此,但该插件与 MediaMonkey 具有高级集成,可从http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=147984&package_id=232534下载
- 上面未列出且仍无法与 MediaMonkey 配合使用的键盘(某些 TurboVision、Trust、Microsoft 键盘、Safeway 等)可以通过名为 MMkeys(MediaMonkey 多媒体键盘键管理器)的第三方实用程序集成: http://mmfanbox.x10host.com/mmfanbox/utils/mmkeys_setup.exe (最近更新位于: http://mmfanbox.x10host.com/mmfanbox/utils/mmkeys_update18012008.zip )
- ATi Remote:可以通过专用插件与 MediaMonkey 集成: http://mmfanbox.x10host.com/mmfanbox/utils/ATIRWMediaMonkey.rar
In some cases, where keyboards (or remotes) have their own custom drivers (rather than using the standing Windows Media Controls) , the Multimedia keys on a multimedia keyboard may not work correctly. The solution in those cases is either to remove the custom drivers or to update the keyboard’s configuration file to include MediaMonkey in the list of supported players. In some cases, helper applications or plugins allow for better MediaMonkey integration. Listed below are options for several popular keyboards:
- If you have a Microsoft Keyboard and IntelliType is running, multimedia buttons may not work when MediaMonkey is minimized to the tray. Possible solutions are:
- Uninstall IntelliType PRO (or remove iType.exe from RunOnce registry via RegEdit). All Media Keys will work as expected.
- Add value PreferLLKeysHook = 1 to the [options] section of MediaMonkey.ini file. This cause MediaMonkey to use a low level keyboard driver that has the effect of allowing hotkeys to work globally, but in a delayed fashion by MediaMonkey.
- Assign macros using IntelliType. Run the app, select Play/Pause from the keys list and click the [Assign/Manage Macro…] button. Assign e.g. ‘Ctrl+P’ as macro and then configure ‘Ctrl+P’ as a global hotkey in MediaMonkey options.
- Logitech keyboards using SetPoint drivers (Tested version v4.24, on Logitech wireless Desktop EX-110 and EX-90): Close the Logitech SetPoint Tray Icon and edit the Players.ini file included with the keyboard drivers by adding the following to each section of the ini file:
mmonkey=cmd,MediaMonkey.exe,TFMainWindow,xxx,xxx,39999,39999,40047,40044,40048,0,1,MediaMonkey S
mmonkeyns=cmd,MediaMonkey (non-skinned).exe,TFMainWindow,xxx,xxx,39999,39999,40047,40044,40048,0,1,MediaMonkey NS
mmonkeyw1=cmd,MEDIAMONKEY.EXE,WINAMP V1.X,xxx,xxx,39999,39999,40047,40044,40048,0,1,MediaMonkey W1
mmonkeyw2=cmd,MediaMonkey.exe,Winamp v1.x,xxx,xxx,39999,39999,40047,40044,40048,0,1,MediaMonkey W2
mmonkeyw3=cmd,MEDIAMONKEY (NON-SKINNED).EXE,WINAMP V1.X,xxx,xxx,39999,39999,40047,40044,40048,0,1,MediaMonkey W3
mmonkeyw4=cmd,MediaMonkey (non-skinned).exe,Winamp v1.x,xxx,xxx,39999,39999,40047,40044,40048,0,1,MediaMonkey W4
mmonkey=path,c:\Program Files\MediaMonkey
- Setpoint drivers can also be made to work through the use of Generic keys: a) Download and install UberOptions via: http://uberoptions.net/ b) Customize all the media keys as you wish e.g. if you want the Play/Pause button to play, set it to ‘Other: Generic Button’ and choose the appropriate action.
- Logitech G15 Keyboard has its own custom driver, but it can integrate with MediaMonkey via a third party plugin called Winamp Visual System (WVS) [http://mylcd.sourceforge.net/] that has , despite its name, advanced integration with MediaMonkey and can be downloaded from http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=147984&package_id=232534
- Keyboards that are not listed above and still do not work with MediaMonkey (Some TurboVision, Trust, Microsoft Keyboards, Safeway,…) can integrate via a third party utility called MMkeys (MediaMonkey Multimedia Keyboard Key Manager): http://mmfanbox.x10host.com/mmfanbox/utils/mmkeys_setup.exe (recent update is at: http://mmfanbox.x10host.com/mmfanbox/utils/mmkeys_update18012008.zip )
- ATi Remote: This can integrate with MediaMonkey via a dedicated plugin: http://mmfanbox.x10host.com/mmfanbox/utils/ATIRWMediaMonkey.rar
Applies to: MMW4, MMW5+
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