此消息与 MediaMonkey 数据库中的错误有关,这些错误可能会在升级期间导致问题。通常可以通过以下步骤避免这些问题:
- 卸载新版本的 MediaMonkey
- 创建数据库文件的副本作为备份
- 安装之前可以正常运行的 MediaMonkey 版本
并运行 MediaMonkey。转到文件 > 管理数据库或文件 -> 维护库(MediaMonkey 4 及更早版本),确保已选中重建数据库、优化数据库(完整) MediaMonkey 4/3、压缩数据库(MediaMonkey 2 及更早版本),然后单击确定。 - 在文件资源管理器中,转到安装 MediaMonkey 的位置(如 C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\)并删除“Scripts”文件夹。
- 安装 MediaMonkey 的下一个版本。因此,如果您使用的是 MediaMonkey 3,请安装 MediaMonkey 4 并让其更新数据库。更新后,您可以选择再次执行步骤 3 或更新到 MediaMonkey 的下一个版本(在本例中为 MediaMonkey 5)。
如果此时您仍然收到数据库错误,则意味着您的数据库已损坏,您需要创建一个新数据库。如果您不介意创建一个新数据库,您也可以按照以下步骤操作(这意味着您必须将音乐重新扫描到 MediaMonkey 中,并且您的库中的各种功能(如播放列表和播放次数)将消失)。要从新数据库开始,请删除您的数据库文件。
- 使用 mediamonkey.mdb 作为数据库的 MediaMonkey 2.x 可能无法在 Windows 7 及更高版本上运行。在这种情况下,您需要从新数据库开始。
This message relates to errors in the MediaMonkey database that can cause problems during an upgrade. These problems can usually be avoided by following these steps:
- Uninstall the new version of MediaMonkey
- Create a copy of your database file as a backup
- Install the version of MediaMonkey that was previously working
and run MediaMonkey. Go to File > Manage Database or File -> Maintain Library (MediaMonkey 4 and older), ensure that Rebuild database, Optimize database (complete) MediaMonkey 4/3, Compact database (MediaMonkey 2 and older) is checked, then hit OK. - In File Explorer go to the location where MediaMonkey is installed (like C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\) and delete the “Scripts” folder.
- Install the next version up of MediaMonkey. So if you were using MediaMonkey 3, install MediaMonkey 4 and let it update the database. Once updated you can choose to do Step 3 again or update to the next version up of MediaMonkey (MediaMonkey 5 in this case).
If you’re still receiving database errors at this point, it means your database is corrupt and you’ll need to create a new one. You can also follow these steps if you don’t mind creating a new database (this means you’ll have to rescan your music into MediaMonkey, and and that various features of your library such as playlists and play counts will be gone). To start with a new database delete your database file.
- MediaMonkey 2.x with mediamonkey.mdb as database may not run on Windows 7 and up. In that case you’ll need to start with a new database.
Applies to: MMW4, MMW5+
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