升级/重新安装 MediaMonkey 后虚拟 CD 不起作用

如果您安装了先前版本的 MediaMonkey Gold,并在安装新版本的 MediaMonkey 之前将其卸载,则虚拟 CD 的配置设置将会丢失,并且尝试播放之前保存到虚拟 CD 的任何曲目时,它们都将会变灰。

要解决此问题,请从主菜单转到工具 > 选项 > 虚拟 CD 和预览,然后将虚拟 CD 目录设置为之前保存虚拟 CD 曲目的位置。


  • 虚拟 CD 功能旨在将无法访问的库文件(例如 CD 或存储在网络共享上的文件)缓存到本地硬盘驱动器。因此,您无法将虚拟 CD 文件夹添加到 MediaMonkey 库中,也无法将包含 MediaMonkey 库中文件的文件夹指定为虚拟 CD 文件夹。
  • 一旦 MediaMonkey 与虚拟 CD 之间的连接断开(例如使用新数据库时),您就需要将虚拟 CD 文件作为常规文件扫描到 MediaMonkey 库中。将文件移动到非虚拟 CD 位置,然后像扫描常规文件一样将它们扫描(文件 > 添加/重新扫描文件)到 MediaMonkey 库中。


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Virtual CD doesn’t Work After Upgrading / Re-installing MediaMonkey

If you had a previous version of MediaMonkey Gold installed, and uninstalled it prior to installing the new version of MediaMonkey, then the configuration settings of your Virtual CD will be lost, and any tracks previously saved to the virtual CD will be greyed out when attempting to play them.

To fix this, go to Tools > Options > Virtual CD & Preview from the Main Menu, and set the Virtual CD directory to the location where Virtual CD tracks had previously been saved.


  • The the Virtual CD feature is intended to cache library files that can become inaccessible (e.g. from a CD or files stored on a network share) to the local hard drive. Thus you cannot add the Virtual CD folder to the MediaMonkey Library or assign a folder with files from the MediaMonkey Library to act as a Virtual CD folder.
  • Once the connection from MediaMonkey to the Virtual CD is lost (like when using a new database) that you’ll need to scan the Virtual CD files as regular files into the MediaMonkey Library. Move the the files to a non-Virtual CD location and then scan (File > Add/Rescan Files) them into the MediaMonkey Library just like you would with regular files.

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