
MediaMonkey 支持音频文件播放音量的调节。要实现此功能,请确保从主菜单启用“播放”>“调节播放音量” ,并且您的文件具有已知的曲目音量和/或专辑音量。如果您仍然感觉到音量不同,则可能是以下原因造成的:

  1. 主菜单中的“播放”>“级别播放音量”已禁用。启用它可将 MediaMonkey 设置为级别播放音量。
  2. 您的文件没有曲目音量或专辑音量。使用每曲目音量调节时会使用曲目音量,但使用每专辑音量调节且不知道专辑音量时也会使用曲目音量。使用主菜单中的“工具”>“分析音量”对选定文件进行操作以解决此问题。仅当专辑包含多个文件且您已选择专辑中的所有文件进行音量分析时,才会计算专辑音量。
  3. 您可以将 MediaMonkey 设置为按专辑调整播放音量。这样可以保持专辑中文件之间的音量差异。播放专辑时效果很好,但混合不同专辑中的文件时,效果会很明显。您可以在主菜单中的“工具”>“选项”>“音量调整”下将其更改为按曲目调整。
  4. 您从 Amazon 获得的文件的音量不同。在这种情况下,请重新分析受影响文件的音量。请确保在主菜单中的“工具”>“选项”>“音量调节”下禁用“仅分析调节未知的文件”选项。
  5. 您的文件是在 MediaMonkey 2.5 之前的版本中进行调平/分析的。在这种情况下,请重新分析受影响文件的音量。请确保在主菜单中的“工具”>“选项”>“音量调平”下禁用“仅分析调平调整未知的文件”选项。
  6. MediaMonkey 计算的值不符合您的喜好。您可以在 MediaMonkey 的文件列表中手动修改曲目音量(不是专辑音量)。选择曲目音量值并使用 F2 键启动内联编辑以编辑曲目音量值。
  7. 您依赖的是经过音量调整的文件,而不是经过音量分析的文件。调整文件后,它们可能会调整到不同的音量,从而导致调整后文件的播放发生变化。您仍然可以对这些文件进行音量分析以进行补偿。

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Files Playback at Different Volumes

MediaMonkey supports leveling of playback volume for audio files. For this to happen make sure that you enable Play > Level Playback Volume from the Main Menu and that your files have known Track Volume and/or Album Volume. If you still perceive different volumes the following may cause it:

  1. Play > Level Playback Volume from the Main Menu is disabled. Enable it to set MediaMonkey to volume level playback.
  2. Your files don’t have Track Volume or Album Volume. Track Volume will be used when using leveling per Track, but also when leveling per Album and no Album Volume is known. Use Tools > Analyze Volume from the Main Menu on selected files to fix this. Album Volume will only be calculated when an Album has more than 1 file and you’ve selected all files on the Album to be analyzed for volume.
  3. You set MediaMonkey to level playback volume per Album. This will maintain the difference in volume between files on an album. This can work well when playing Albums, but when mixing files from different Albums it can become noticeable. You can change it to per Track under Tools > Options > Volume Leveling from the Main Menu.
  4. Your files obtained from Amazon have a different volume. In this case re-analyze the volume of the affected files. Make sure you disable the option ‘Only analyze files with unknown Leveling Adjustment’ under Tools > Options > Volume Leveling from the Main Menu.
  5. Your files were leveled/analyzed in a version of MediaMonkey prior to MediaMonkey 2.5. In this case re-analyze the volume of the affected files. Make sure you disable the option ‘Only analyze files with unknown Leveling Adjustment’ under Tools > Options > Volume Leveling from the Main Menu.
  6. The values MediaMonkey calculates are not to your liking. You can manually modify the Track Volume (not Album Volume) in the Filelisting in MediaMonkey. Select the Track Volume value and use the F2 key to start inline editing to edit the Track Volume value.
  7. You’re relying on files that have been volume leveled instead of volume analyzed. When files are leveled they can be leveled to different volumes does causing a variation on playback of leveled files. You can still use volume analysis on these files to compensate.

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