播放 M4A、M4P、M4B (AAC) 文件

MediaMonkey 4 + 支持:

  • 通过Windows 10/11 编解码器播放 M4A/M4B (aac 音频) 文件 (最高 48KHz)。注意:Windows“N”版本不包含编解码器,需要手动安装
  • 播放 ALAC 文件。
  • 通过MediaMonkey Codec Pack (单独购买)对 M4A/M4B/ALAC(包括 > 48KHz)文件进行编码/解码。MediaMonkey Codec Pack 也是播放从 UPnP(DLNA)服务器流式传输的 M4A/M4B 所必需的。

M4P 文件是 Apple 专有的格式,受数字版权管理保护,因此无法在购买时所用系统或应用以外的系统或应用上播放。如果您有此类文件,您有 2 个选择:

  1. 通过从 Apple 获取未受保护的文件版本来删除 DRM,以便可以在任何设备上播放它们(推荐)。为此,请从您的 PC 中删除 M4P 文件(或将它们移动到 iTunes 看不到它们),然后从 Apple 重新下载它们。由于 Apple 不再对购买的媒体文件使用 DRM 保护,因此重新下载的文件将可以在 MediaMonkey 和其他设备上完全播放。
  2. 安装支持播放 DRM 内容的Quicktime来播放它们(以及 M4A/M4B/ALAC),包括 MediaMonkey 中那些 > 48KHz 的内容。要使此功能正常工作,您必须安装 Quicktime,并确保机器在 iTunes 中被正确授权播放 DRM 文件。这种方法不是首选,因为 Apple 不维护 Quicktime,而且文件在其他设备上播放时仍会出现问题。


  • 由于 QuickTime 的限制,当 MediaMonkey 依赖 QuickTime 播放时,超过 500MB 的 M4B 有声读物无法播放。在这种情况下,请安装MediaMonkey AAC/M4A 编码器/解码器插件(需单独购买)。
  • 如果您从早期版本的 MediaMonkey 升级,并且在安装与当前安装的 MediaMonkey 版本兼容的编解码器包之前未卸载以前版本的编解码器包,则在 MediaMonkey 中播放 M4A/M4B/ALAC 可能会失败。

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Playing M4A, M4P, M4B (AAC) Files

MediaMonkey 4+ supports:

  • Playback of M4A/M4B (aac audio) files (up to 48KHz) via Windows 10/11 codecs. Note: Windows ‘N’ editions don’t include codecs, and they need to be installed manually.
  • Playback of ALAC files.
  • Encoding/decoding of M4A/M4B/ALAC (including > 48KHz) files via the MediaMonkey Codec Pack (purchased separately). The MediaMonkey Codec Pack is also required for playing M4A/M4B streamed from a UPnP (DLNA) server.

M4P files are an Apple-proprietary format protected by Digital Rights Management which prevent them from playing on systems or apps other than the ones used to purchase them. If you have such files, you have 2 options:

  1. Remove the DRM by getting unprotected versions of the files from Apple, so that they can be played on any device (recommended). To do so, Erase the M4P files from your PC (or move them so that iTunes doesn’t see them) and then re-download them from Apple. Since Apple no longer uses DRM protection for purchased media files, the re-downloaded files will be fully playable in MediaMonkey and on other devices.
  2. Install Quicktime which supports playback of DRM’ed content to play them (along with M4A/M4B/ALAC) including those > 48KHz in MediaMonkey. For this to work you’ll have to install Quicktime, and ensure that the machine is correctly authorized in iTunes to play the DRM’ed files. This approach is not preferred because Quicktime is not maintained by Apple, and because the files will still have problems playing on other devices.


  • M4B Audiobooks over ~500MB in size fail to play when MediaMonkey is relying in QuickTime for playback due to a limitation in QuickTime. In that case install the MediaMonkey AAC/M4A Encoder/Decoder Plug-in (purchased separately).
  • Playback of M4A/M4B/ALAC in MediaMonkey can fail if you’ve upgraded from earlier versions of MediaMonkey and haven’t uninstalled a previous version of the Codec Pack before installing the codec pack compatible with the currently installed version of MediaMonkey.

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