MediaMonkey Android 付费许可证(Pro 或通过应用内购买购买的附加组件)可以在与您的帐户关联的新 Android 设备上使用,只要您的设备登录到用于原始购买的同一应用商店(Google Play 或 Amazon)和帐户即可。
如果您之前购买了适用于 Android Pro的 MediaMonkey,请安装 MediaMonkey,然后安装并运行 MediaMonkey Pro 以解锁 Pro 功能- 如果您的设备使用与原始购买时相同的商店帐户,则可以免费下载。
如果您之前通过应用内购买购买了 MediaMonkey 功能,则只要您的设备使用与原始购买时相同的商店帐户,即可在安装应用程序后立即使用付费功能。
您可以随时通过 MediaMonkey for Android 菜单 > 选项 > 关于 MediaMonkey 查看您的许可证状态。
MediaMonkey for Android paid licenses (Pro or addons purchased via in-app purchases) can be used on new Android devices associated with your account, as long as your device is logged into the same app store (Google Play or Amazon) and account that was used to make the original purchase.
If you previously purchased MediaMonkey for Android Pro, install MediaMonkey, and then install and run MediaMonkey Pro to unlock the Pro features–it will be available to download for free if your device is using the same store account used to make the original purchase.
If you previously purchased MediaMonkey features via an in-app purchase, the paid features will be accessible as soon as you install the app provided that your device is using the same store account used to make the original purchase.
You can see your license status at any time via the MediaMonkey for Android Menu > Options > About MediaMonkey.
Applies to: MMA
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