Randomize Option

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版主: Gurus

帖子: 2
注册时间: 周六 2月 01, 2025 8:13 am

Randomize Option

帖子 Skyla »

Hi, after the newest update I have notice that I can no longer 'Randomize' my playlist, has this option been completely removed or has it been moved somewhere else in the options?

I found this really handy for playing large playlists, so I didn't find myself listening to the same artist/artists for 3 or 4 songs in a row before another artist played. If this option has been removed, can I suggest it gets re-added asap. Thanks.
帖子: 1114
注册时间: 周三 3月 10, 2021 1:53 pm

Re: Randomize Option

帖子 Rob_S »

In this version clicking the "shuffle" button at the bottom right of the player should randomize your list, and then play them in the new random order as displayed. It will normally only randomise the unplayed tracks, so best to set the current playing track to the top of the list before you shuffle.

You can also manually move tracks up or down in this ordered Playing list as well. If you have a playing list randomised and sorted to your satisfaction, and you would like to be able to return to it, you can thern save it as a new playlist.
Using V2024 LATEST alpha or beta build on Windows 11, HP laptop, managing 13k tracks
帖子: 2
注册时间: 周六 2月 01, 2025 8:13 am

Re: Randomize Option

帖子 Skyla »

Thanks for the reply, i'll give it a try.
帖子: 14
注册时间: 周六 2月 12, 2005 9:54 pm

Re: Randomize Option

帖子 trinalin »

Rob_S 写了: 周六 2月 01, 2025 11:52 am In this version clicking the "shuffle" button at the bottom right of the player should randomize your list, and then play them in the new random order as displayed.
But why this change? I definitely prefer the original way that was done. (OK, I'm getting old and have become disillusioned with change.)
帖子: 1114
注册时间: 周三 3月 10, 2021 1:53 pm

Re: Randomize Option

帖子 Rob_S »

One benefit is you can see what is coming up after current track because it displays the randomized order.

Also next and previous works which it could not before
Using V2024 LATEST alpha or beta build on Windows 11, HP laptop, managing 13k tracks
帖子: 6
注册时间: 周五 10月 08, 2021 4:50 am

Re: Randomize Option

帖子 124C41 »

I tried it, but actually it does not work as before. It mixes stuff, but keeps tracks from CDs together. In the earlier versions, all tracks were mixed independently. Maybe I overlook something, some option somewhere?
帖子: 6
注册时间: 周五 10月 08, 2021 4:50 am

Re: Randomize Option

帖子 124C41 »

One more observation: It doesn't really randomize, but it sorts things chronological: New music on top, older music at the bottom of the list. This is wierd.
帖子: 6
注册时间: 周五 10月 08, 2021 4:50 am

Re: Randomize Option

帖子 124C41 »

Rob_S 写了: 周六 2月 01, 2025 11:52 am In this version clicking the "shuffle" button at the bottom right of the player should randomize your list,
Actually, it doesn't ... the playing list stays the same. I tried it in several ways:

Empty list, Randomize On, Copy files into playing list --- they stay in the same order
Empty list, Randomize Off, Copy files into playing list (same order), turnig Randomize On --- order is not changed

What do I overlook here?
帖子: 1114
注册时间: 周三 3月 10, 2021 1:53 pm

Re: Randomize Option

帖子 Rob_S »

Shuffle (replacement for randomize) works only on tracks already in the playing list. In other words, normally you first load up the list by selecting a playlist, or adding tracks manually or a combination of both. Then you select the shuffle mode, which should then shuffle the list from the currently playing track on down. If the first track is selected, it should shuffle all of them.

This shuffle as best I can tell should be totally random without reference to Album, date, or genre. You can of course also manually re-arrange the tracks in the order you like. Then it should play in the displayed order.

If shuffle it turned on, if you add tracks by selecting them, right-click, and select play shuffled it should insert them in shuffled (random) order

If you drag and drop them, they do appear in the selected order in the playing list.

If any of this isn't working for you, you might want to try the latest release candidate from here


Somebody correct me if I'm wrong - As best I can tell, the wiki help has not yet been re-written to cover these changes, but most of what is there (except randomize list) is still valid

https://www.mediamonkey.com/wiki/WebHel ... dio_Tracks
Using V2024 LATEST alpha or beta build on Windows 11, HP laptop, managing 13k tracks