What kind of MM user do you consider yourself?

Discussion about anything that might be of interest to MediaMonkey users.

版主: Gurus

What kind of MM user do you consider yourself?

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帖子: 1
注册时间: 周五 9月 02, 2011 5:09 am

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 yaruigon »

I am new here and with all the stuff. So, I guess I am a newbie user.
帖子: 1
注册时间: 周日 9月 04, 2011 9:23 pm

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 liontiga »

I am a novice this is all relatively new to me I am trying to learn as much as I can.
帖子: 1
注册时间: 周二 9月 06, 2011 7:28 am

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 wa1po »

lol.. Just a newbie... and a patzer on top of that :)
帖子: 1
注册时间: 周二 9月 06, 2011 4:21 pm

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 james19464 »

Just started using, so I'm new, new, and new!!! But I'm planning on being a fan...
帖子: 1
注册时间: 周四 9月 08, 2011 10:58 am

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 SamJenks »

I'd say I'm fairly advanced, both in the use of MM and in knowledge of MP3's (Encoding, Editing etc.)

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 Trixie »

I consider myself advanced with MM, though I don't know how to write scripts for it. I feel pretty comfortable with knowing how to do just about everything MM can do.
帖子: 2
注册时间: 周日 9月 11, 2011 9:07 pm

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 reneiphone »

Basic user.

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 septorth2 »

I'm a newbie kind of as I only just got installed it
帖子: 84
注册时间: 周一 7月 25, 2011 2:12 pm

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 DJSigma »

I consider myself to be a basic user, but that's based on what I actually do with the software rather than what I could do with it and my knowledge of how it works. I only use it as a fairly basic music organiser/player and for that it's close to perfect for my needs. I don't use it to tag files, burn discs or any of that other stuff.
帖子: 16
注册时间: 周一 10月 17, 2011 10:17 pm

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 jqueeng02 »

I am very new to this so I guess just novice. But I am getting the hang of it and I am definitely liking its features.
帖子: 1
注册时间: 周四 11月 17, 2011 7:09 am

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 augustuseb »

I'm new in MM world, and I'm learning mp3 encoding.
帖子: 14163
注册时间: 周六 10月 25, 2003 7:57 am

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 rovingcowboy »

get audacity 3 free wave editor to make corrections and or save the wav to mp3 or ogg files you can expect a big learning curve for the audacity 3 its not a cheap little converter it is a full scale wav editor for free. :D
roving cowboy / keith hall. My skins http://www.mediamonkey.com/forum/viewto ... =9&t=16724 for some help check on Monkey's helpful messages at http://www.mediamonkey.com/forum/viewto ... 4008#44008 MY SYSTEMS.1.Jukebox WinXp pro sp 3 version 3.5 gigabyte mb. 281 GHz amd athlon x2 240 built by me.) 2.WinXP pro sp3, vers 2.5.5 and vers 3.5 backup storage, shuttle 32a mb,734 MHz amd athlon put together by me.) 3.Dell demension, winxp pro sp3, mm3.5 spare jukebox.) 4.WinXp pro sp3, vers 3.5, dad's computer bought from computer store. )5. Samsung Galaxy A51 5G Android ) 6. amd a8-5600 apu 3.60ghz mm version 4 windows 7 pro bought from computer store.

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 Gourav »

I have a collection of around 4500 MP3s. I would say nearly 4000 would be very well organised, only about 500 wouldn't be well tagged.
I am a music lover and listen to various genres, classical, pop, R&B, Rock, trance, Blues, Country etc. Only genres I don't like are Jazz and Metal. I even listen to songs in languages I don't understand
帖子: 80
注册时间: 周五 12月 04, 2009 3:01 pm

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 svburke »

I picked "intermediate." I manage a large library, effectively I think, though I don't write scripts or that sort of thing, which I consider advanced.

Re: What kind of user are you?

帖子 mrmofi »

Basic User.
No scripts, but tag the hell out of my music.
Major Artists listed on each song.
Cover songs by major groups listed in Artist as 'Group name' - Various.
All dates are date of recording or performance... including classical. ie 1700's.
Live tracks tagged with date of performance at end of title...
doing this allows for chronological order of songs in list view.
(When you have 50 or so versions of some live songs, it helps)
Would love a separate producer and engineer category.
1.81 TB