Is there a way to edit multiple playlists at once?

Any ideas about how to improve MediaMonkey for Windows 4? Let us know!

版主: Gurus

帖子: 15
注册时间: 周五 9月 20, 2019 3:26 pm

Is there a way to edit multiple playlists at once?

帖子 anniedmn »

Hello there,
I'm not sure if there is a way and I can't find it but I believe it would be a cool to be able to edit multiple auto playlists at once.
I have a lot of playlists and I would like to be able to select for instance 10 of them and add/remove/edit the same criteria for all 10.

I apologise if there is already a way :D
帖子: 58114
注册时间: 周六 9月 06, 2003 5:53 pm

Re: Is there a way to edit multiple playlists at once?

帖子 Lowlander »

No, there isn't a way to do this.

However if you have AutoPlaylists that share Criteria that you'd occasionally like to change you could use Playlist = Criteria and have all use that 1 Playlist as Criteria. This allows you to make the changes once, and have them used by all the other AutoPlaylists. This can work in certain setups.