Unable to access forum with "ERROR 429: Too many requests" error

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版主: Gurus

帖子: 15
注册时间: 周五 6月 03, 2022 6:35 am

Unable to access forum with "ERROR 429: Too many requests" error

帖子 Tertius3 »

Most of the time, I'm unable to access the forum. Currently, it's the really rare situation I have access. I guess if I try twice a day, I have access once a week, may be once in 2 weeks. All other tries end up with "ERROR 429: Too many requests" in my browser.
So I'm also not able to download the most recent beta updates, because the link provided by the MM5 beta update check will also lead to the error.
It doesn't work for any machine in my home network, and no matter what browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge).
Access is possible from my mobile while using the mobile data provider and not wifi. So I guess there's some IP blocking involved. My router's IP is some number within 134.3.159.* (exact number available via pm).
My IP address didn't change for a long time (months).
帖子: 18109
注册时间: 周二 6月 10, 2003 7:21 pm

Re: Unable to access forum with "ERROR 429: Too many requests" error

帖子 Peke »

That is strange can you please let us know the results of your ip from https://whatismyipaddress.com/blacklist-check ?

Results should be clear enough, no need for screenshot.

Are you on Vodaphone Internet provider or you use sort of VPN?
Best regards,
MediaMonkey Team lead QA/Tech Support guru
Admin of Free MediaMonkey addon Site HappyMonkeying
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帖子: 15
注册时间: 周五 6月 03, 2022 6:35 am

Re: Unable to access forum with "ERROR 429: Too many requests" error

帖子 Tertius3 »

The linked blacklist check returns my IP is listed by b.barracudacentral.org, but nothing else.

Yes, my cable provider is Vodafone, and no, I'm not using any VPN.

Are you really using these blacklists? These are mainly email blocking lists, meant against malware submitting email spam via smtp. I doubt they're the right tool to block forum abuse. Some are explicitly listing dial-up address ranges, from where email should never be submitted, because customers should use their provider's smtp server as authenticated user and not submit directly. But if you use these kind of list as forum blacklist, you're blocking end-user address ranges for which a web forum is meant in the first place.
帖子: 18109
注册时间: 周二 6月 10, 2003 7:21 pm

Re: Unable to access forum with "ERROR 429: Too many requests" error

帖子 Peke »

No we do not use that black lists, I send it to you as it can in some cases shove increased activity from that IP address.

We recently had DDoS attempts and it is possibly that our prevention engine was set too strict and locked out some users.

This should be settled now.

Please let us know if you have further issues.

For any users that observed such issues, we are sorry and hope that you can understand.

Happy Monkeying!
Best regards,
MediaMonkey Team lead QA/Tech Support guru
Admin of Free MediaMonkey addon Site HappyMonkeying
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帖子: 15
注册时间: 周五 6月 03, 2022 6:35 am

Re: Unable to access forum with "ERROR 429: Too many requests" error

帖子 Tertius3 »

Peke 写了: 周日 8月 11, 2024 7:46 pm We recently had DDoS attempts and it is possibly that our prevention engine was set too strict and locked out some users.

This should be settled now.
It has indeed, since I'm still able to access the forum. In the past months, access was possible only for a few hours before being blocked again and I would not be able to answer at all.

Thank you!