
如果您在登录我们的网站(论坛帮助台Wiki )时遇到问题,可能是因为:

  1. 您的 MediaMonkey 帐户尚未在网站的所有部分启用。请尝试通过以下任一位置登录:

  2. 您的 MediaMonkey 帐户信息不正确:
    1. 您的密码不正确。请访问重设密码页面进行解决。
    2. 您的用户名不正确:
      • 使用您的用户名而不是您的电子邮件地址
      • 使用您的 MediaMonkey 网站凭证(而不是您的 Gold 注册信息或商店用户 ID )。如果您没有 MediaMonkey 网站帐户,您可以免费创建一个

  3. 您的帐户处于非活动状态:



  • 您可以通过用户控制面板更改与您的网站帐户关联的电子邮件地址(但不能更改用户名)。
  • 您也可以将密码更改为您选择的密码。

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Website Account / Login Issues ( Forum / Helpdesk )

If you’re having trouble logging in to our web site (Forum, Helpdesk, or Wiki), it may be that:

  1. Your MediaMonkey account is not yet active on all portions of the site. Try logging in via either of these locations:
    Forum Login
    Support Login

  2. Your MediaMonkey account information is incorrect:
    1. Your password is incorrect. Visit the reset password page to resolve.
    2. Your username is incorrect:
      • Use your username and not your email address
      • Use your MediaMonkey website credentials (not your Gold registration information or store user ID). If you don’t have a MediaMonkey website account, you can create one at for free.

  3. Your account is inactive:
    You registered an account, but never clicked on the activation e-mail. Find your confirmation email (possibly in your spam folder) and click the confirmation link.

If you still can’t log in, please create a new account and submit a support ticket with details of the problematic account.

If you’re able to log in, you can edit your account profile:

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