MediaMonkey 背后的理念是确保 MediaMonkey 的免费版本具有普通用户所需的所有功能,并且满意的用户或更高级的用户将升级到黄金版本以获得更多高级功能。这一理念的一个例外是 MP3 编码限制。
在 MediaMonkey 5+ 中,您可以无限制地进行 MP3 编码,但更改 MP3 的编码设置是一项黄金功能。在 MediaMonkey 4 中,免费版的 MP3 编码将在 30 天后过期。所有版本的 MediaMonkey 都可无限制地解码(播放)MP3 文件。
历史原因在于 MP3 已申请专利,并需要支付许可费,为了避免此类费用,免费版的 MP3 编码使用期限被限制为 30 天。自 2017 年起,MP3 专利被视为已过期,但 MediaMonkey 仍将 MP3 编码作为黄金功能。
如果您想针对 MediaMonkey 4 解决此问题,可在互联网上的多个位置获取免费的 LAME MP3 编码器,如果用户不想升级到 MediaMonkey 4 的黄金版,可以安装 LAME 进行 MP3 编码。
The philosophy behind MediaMonkey has been to ensure that the Free version of MediaMonkey has all of the functionality that would be required by the average user, and that satisfied users or more advanced users will upgrade to the Gold version for more advanced functionality. The one exception to this philosophy is that MP3 encoding limitations.
In MediaMonkey 5+, you do have unlimited MP3 encoding, but changing the encoding settings for MP3 is a Gold feature. In MediaMonkey 4, MP3 encoding expires after 30 days in the free version. All versions of MediaMonkey have unlimited decoding (playback) of MP3 files.
The historical reason for this is that MP3 was patented and had license fees associated with it, and to avoid such fees, MP3 encoding was limited to 30 days in the free version. As of 2017 MP3 patents are considered to have expired, but MediaMonkey has continued to include MP3 encoding as a Gold feature.
If you’d like to work around this for MediaMonkey 4, the free LAME MP3 encoder is available in a variety of locations on the internet, and users can install LAME for MP3 encoding if they wish to avoid upgrading to the Gold version of MediaMonkey 4.
Applies to: MMW4, MMW5+
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