此脚本根据 BPM(每分钟节拍数)选择曲目。安装后,“Auto Beats DJ”选项将出现在 Auto DJ 选项表的源下拉列表中。选择此源将允许您选择过滤器和容差。请注意,只有当您的曲目中已经计算了 BPM 时,您才应运行此脚本。如果您没有(在所选过滤器中),这将导致 Auto DJ 停止运行。
Translated automatically (see original)This script selects tracks based on the BPM (Beats Per Minute). Once installed the option "Auto Beats DJ" will appear in the dropdown of sources in the Auto DJ options sheet. Selecting this as the source will allow you to choose a filter and the tolerance. Please note that you should only run this script if you have tracks where the BPM has been calculated. If you do not have any (in the filter selected) then this will cause Auto DJ to cease functioning.
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Rik Lewis
提交者 trixmoto
更新 12/07/2012