检查所有选定曲目的 ...、The 并更正为 The ...。对于那些在 MM2.5 之前尝试解决排序问题并且现在希望更正其收藏的人来说很有用。启动确认框,以便在更改生效之前查看更改。允许您输入“The”单词列表,以方便国际用户使用。
Translated automatically (see original)Checks all selected tracks for ..., The and corrects to The .... Useful for those who tried to get around the sort issue before MM2.5 and now wish to correct their collection. Confirmation box is launched so changes can be viewed before they take effect. Allows you to enter a list of "The" words, allowing for international users.
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Rik Lewis
提交者 trixmoto
更新 03/02/2012
6381 下载
- 版本:
- 3.4
- 更新:
- 03/02/2012
- Size:
- 4.31 KB
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.0 - 4.9
- 变化:
- MM3/4 compatibilty