Last.FM Scrobbler 将您的播放历史记录保存到 last.fm 服务,以便您可以找到具有相似音乐品味的人并获得个性化的音乐推荐。
Translated automatically (see original)The Last.FM Scrobbler saves your playback history to the last.fm service so that you can find people with similar musical tastes and get personalized music recommendations.
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Ventis Media
提交者 Peke
更新 27/11/2014
87856 下载
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 27/11/2014
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.0 - 4.9
- 变化:
Added basic status and stats
Added configuration for radio streams
Improved reliability
Fixed compatibility with Portable mode
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 15/11/2011
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 07/06/2011
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.1
- 变化:
- This new scrobbler adds compatibility with MediaMonkey 4.
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 21/10/2009
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.1.1 - 3.1.2
- 变化:
- This is the initial release of the Last.FM Scrobbler.