此 VBScript 旨在从计划任务运行并启动 MediaMonkey 来播放音乐作为闹钟。
播放列表名称可通过命令行传递或在脚本中配置。如果指定了多个播放列表,则 MediaMoneky 启动时将随机选择一个播放列表并播放。
可以设置 MediaMonkey 音量,并且如果存在免费软件工具 NirCmd.exe,则可以设置 Windows 系统音量。
Translated automatically (see original)This VBScript is designed to run from a Scheduled Task and launch MediaMonkey to play music as an alarm clock.
Playlist names can be passed on the command line or configured in the script. If multiple playlists are specified, one will be selected at random and played when MediaMoneky launches.
The MediaMonkey volume can be set, and the if the freeware tool NirCmd.exe is present the Windows system volume can be set.
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提交者 ProfileX
更新 04/01/2017
- 版本:
- 1.0
- 更新:
- 04/01/2017
- Size:
- 3.1 KB
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.1
- 变化:
Save the file with a .VBS extension, then create a Scheduled Task in the Windows Control Panel, for example:
C:WindowsSystem32cscript.exe //NoLogo //B "C:UsersMyUserNameDownloadsMediaMonkeyPlayRandomized.vbs"