有用的工具,用于加快播客速度或减慢音乐速度,以便在控制音调的同时练习播放。要安装,请关闭 MediaMonkey 并安装到 Program FilesMediaMonkeyPlugins。重新启动,然后通过工具 > 选项 > 播放器 > DSP 插件启用。注意:此插件在某些系统上不稳定
Translated automatically (see original)Useful tool for speeding up podcasts or slowing down music to practice playing while controlling the pitch. To install, close MediaMonkey and install to Program FilesMediaMonkeyPlugins . Restart and then enable via Tools > Options > Player > DSP Plug-ins. Note: this plugin is unstable on some systems
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Ary Medeiros
提交者 rusty
更新 07/06/2011
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