MediaMonkey 可以同步和连接各种设备。对于便携式设备,在大多数情况下,只需插入设备,MediaMonkey 便可以使用捆绑的“插件”自动同步。此外,MediaMonkey 还可以充当各种其他网络连接设备的媒体管理器。

MediaMonkey 附带一个 iPhone 同步插件,允许它将内容同步到 iOS 设备。这是MediaMonkey 4插件的更新,增加了对最新版本 iOS 的支持。
这是 iPhone Sync 插件的最终更新,增加了对 iOS 18 的支持。它正在共享,但不受支持。请升级到当前版本的 MediaMonkey 以获得完全支持的体验。
此插件支持 iOS 设备,包括 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod Touch 设备。它同步音频和视频文件以及相关属性,包括专辑封面、评级、音量调节信息(在 Apple 设备上称为“Soundcheck”)、播放历史记录以及播放列表。
Translated automatically (see original)An iPhone sync plugin is included with MediaMonkey, allowing it to sync content to iOS devices. This is an update to the plugin for MediaMonkey 4 that adds support for the latest version of iOS.
This is the final update to the iPhone Sync plugin, adding support for iOS 18. It is being shared, but is unsupported. Please upgrade to the current version of MediaMonkey for a fully supported experience.
This plug-in supports iOS devices including iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touch devices. It syncs audio and video files and related properties including Album Art, ratings, volume leveling information (known as 'Soundcheck' on Apple devices), play history, as well as Playlists.
NOTE: MediaMonkey must be 'Run as Administrator' prior to installing this addon in order for the addon to install correctly.
Hide original
Ventis Media, Inc.
提交者 rusty
更新 18/02/2025
- 版本:
- 18.0
- 更新:
- 18/02/2025
- Size:
- 791.71 KB
- 执照:
- Proprietary
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.1 - 4.9
- 变化:
This is the final update to the iPhone Sync plugin. It is being shared, but is unsupported.
The update adds support for iOS 18.
- 版本:
- 17.0
- 更新:
- 31/10/2023
- Size:
- 791.72 KB
- 执照:
- Proprietary
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.1 - 4.9
- 变化:
This update adds support for iOS 17.
- 版本:
- 16.0
- 更新:
- 10/11/2022
- Size:
- 792.22 KB
- 执照:
- Proprietary
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- 变化:
This update adds support for iOS 16.
- 版本:
- 15.0
- 更新:
- 08/10/2021
- Size:
- 636.18 KB
- 执照:
- Proprietary
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- 变化:
This update adds support for iOS 15.

MediaMonkey 附带一个 iPod 同步插件,允许 MediaMonkey 将内容同步到大多数 iPod 设备。这是MediaMonkey 4插件的更新,添加了对最新版本 iTunes 的支持。
此插件支持 iPod Nano、iPod Classic、iPod Shuffle 等 iPod 以及 iPod mini 和 iPod Video 等旧款 iPod(不支持 iPhone 或 iPod Touch 等需要不同插件的 iOS 设备)。它同步音频和视频文件以及相关属性,包括专辑封面、评级、音量调节信息(在 iPod 上称为“Soundcheck”)、播放历史记录以及播放列表。
An iPod sync plugin is included with MediaMonkey allowing MediaMonkey to sync content to most iPod devices. This is an update to the plugin for MediaMonkey 4 that adds support for the latest version of iTunes.
Hide original
This plug-in supports iPods such as the iPod Nano, iPod Classic, iPod Shuffle, and older iPods such as the iPod mini and iPod Video (it does not support iOS-based devices such as the iPhone or iPod Touch which require a different plugin). It syncs audio and video files and related properties including Album Art, ratings, volume leveling information (known as 'Soundcheck' on the iPod), play history, as well as Playlists.
Ventis Media, Inc
提交者 Peke
更新 07/12/2021
- 版本:
- 12.12.2
- 更新:
- 07/12/2021
- Size:
- 631.44 KB
- 执照:
- Proprietary
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4 - 4.9
- 变化:
This version of the plugin fixes compatibility issues with iTunes 12.

MediaMonkey 4 will sync with most Android phones without any additional configuration, using the included wmdm plug-in. Just connect the phone and configure which tracks to sync.Hide original
Ventis Media, Inc.
提交者 rusty
更新 14/06/2011
- 版本:
- 4
- 更新:
- 14/06/2011
- 执照:
- Proprietary
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4 - 4.9
- 变化:
- This is a link to the current version of MediaMonkey 4, which bundles this plug-in.

MediaMonkey 4 can share Collections with most DLNA-compliant players. This includes many newer-model televisions, Blue Ray players, xBox 360, and PS3.Hide original
Ventis Media, Inc.
提交者 rusty
更新 15/06/2011

此脚本创建音乐索引,供HDI Dune Media Player使用。它使用 MM 库并创建包含三个主要条目的菜单:专辑、艺术家和年份。通过此菜单,您可以轻松快速地浏览您的专辑并在 Dune 上播放。
所创建的菜单是针对 Android App DMC开发的。此应用程序可以显示同一网络上存在的任何 Dune 索引。现在,您无需打开电视即可浏览音乐索引。
Translated automatically (see original)This Script creates a Music Index for use with a HDI Dune Media Player. It uses the MM Library and to create menu that has three main entries: Albums, Artists and Years. Through this menu, it is easy and quick to browse to your album and play it on the Dune.
The menu that is created is developed with the Android App DMC in mind. This App can display any Dune Indexes that exist on the same network. Now you can browse your Music Index without having to switch the TV on.
Hide original
提交者 alveola
更新 01/10/2016
- 版本:
- 1.9
- 更新:
- 01/10/2016
- Size:
- 446.02 KB
- 执照:
- GNU GPL v3
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.14
- 变化:
added: button to select target drive
changed: cosmetic positioning of windows
fixed: bug with special characters in album nameNew links as Google Code and MPCClub were discontinued.
- 版本:
- 1.8
- 更新:
- 22/12/2012
- 执照:
- GNU GPL v3
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.0
- 变化:
- A new main branch called 'Tracks' is added. To use this can be changed with a checkbox.
- It is possible to 'jump' between branches This makes browsing possible and more fun
- added estimated indexing time
Fixed- uncheck 'overwrite files' did not work right. Fixed.
- Fixed sometimes weird display of special characters
- 版本:
- 1.7
- 更新:
- 09/12/2012
- 执照:
- GNU GPL v3
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.0
- 变化:
* playing individual tracks is now possible
* play albums gapless as 'slideshow'
*Changed*: index structure
* less files are written and copied
* script is a bit faster.
*Needs new index version: 1.7*
- 版本:
- 1.6
- 更新:
- 23/11/2012
- 执照:
- GNU GPL v3
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- 变化:
- last track of a various album is written to next album
- a selection box is not visible in years branch
Changed:- the albumartist is used, if present, instead of artist-tag
- 版本:
- 1.5
- 更新:
- 21/11/2012
- 执照:
- GNU GPL v3
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- 变化:
- Moved Year before Album Name, so sorting of albums is by Year. (+ checkbox to enable/disable)
- Addon version visible in Window title
- Dune Index Folder needed to end with a ``. Doesn’t have to be added any longer.
- 版本:
- 1.4
- 更新:
- 16/11/2012
- 执照:
- GNU GPL v3
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- 变化:
- Timer
- Use ImageMagick to create better looking icons
- Various Artists are grouped
- The Album Icon is copied to Artist Folder
- Checkbox for not overwriting files
- Copy better looking icon to source folder
- Separation of script and default Menu Index
- Added script to generate Menu Index by ImageMagick
- Sorting Artist names changed. Example: "The Beatles" are sorted as "Beatles, The"
Several Bug fixes

将 iTunes 视为 MediaMonkey 的音频设备。将曲目、播放列表、播放计数和 ID3tag 信息从 MM 同步到 iTunes。如果您需要同步到 MM 不支持的 Apple 设备或使用 Apple 的 iTunes 遥控器,则很有用。
Translated automatically (see original)Treats iTunes as an audio device from MediaMonkey. Synchronises tracks, playlists, playcounts and ID3tag information from MM to iTunes. Useful if you need to sync to an Apple Device that MM does not support or to use Apple's Remote for iTunes.
Hide original
提交者 markstuartwalker
更新 25/01/2014
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 25/01/2014
- Size:
- 720.46 KB
- 执照:
- Free
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.1 - 4.1
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 17/12/2013
- Size:
- 718.7 KB
- 执照:
- Free
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.1 - 4.1
- 变化:
See release notes
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 02/12/2013
- Size:
- 718.13 KB
- 执照:
- Free
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.1
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 26/11/2013
- Size:
- 717.57 KB
- 执照:
- Free
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.1
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 30/10/2013
- Size:
- 718.49 KB
- 执照:
- Free
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.1
- 变化:
see readme.
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 18/04/2012
- Size:
- 714.58 KB
- 执照:
- Free
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.1
- 变化:
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 13/02/2012
- Size:
- 720.21 KB
- 执照:
- Free
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey -
- 变化:
- See readme. Must be used with MM or later
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 16/01/2012
- Size:
- 701.47 KB
- 执照:
- Free
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- 变化:
- Build 2239
一个自安装脚本,允许 MediaMonkey 在 Squeezebox 系统上播放音乐。MediaMonkey 中的“工具”>“选项”>“播放器”>“MonkeySqueeze”下有一个选项页面。其中包含完整的 pdf 用户指南(包括故障排除提示),可通过选项页面访问。包含运行 MonkeySqueeze 所需的所有文件和文档。
Translated automatically (see original)A self installing script that allows MediaMonkey to play music on a Squeezebox system. An options page is available under the Tools > Options > Player > MonkeySqueeze in MediaMonkey. A full pdf user guide including troubleshooting tips is included and can be accessed via the options page. All required files and documentation to run MonkeySqueeze are included.
Hide original
提交者 Gingernut63
更新 02/01/2017
- 版本:
- 3.3
- 更新:
- 02/01/2017
- Size:
- 959.38 KB
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4
- 变化:
- Changes to the operation of the LMS Server/NAS section
- Changes to the operation of the Squeezebox Player Panel and Volume Selection
- Bug fixes for Squeezebox Player Panel
- User Guide moved to new folder
- Fully revised and updated User Guide
- 版本:
- 3.2
- 更新:
- 01/12/2016
- Size:
- 803.16 KB
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4
- 变化:
- Squeezebox player panel with volume control
- Display the selected Squeezebox player name on the Main Menu or toolbar
- Squeezebox player names added to the selection drop box
- Communications test function
- Updated User Guide
- 版本:
- 3.1
- 更新:
- 26/05/2015
- Size:
- 798.96 KB
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4
- 变化:
- Disable communication settings on the options page when MonkeySqueeze is enabled - Select 1 of 4 Squeezebox players to connect to each session - Ability to log into a secure LMS/Squeezebox system - Redesign of the options page for use by devices with lower resolution screens (e.g.tablets) - Fully revised and updated User Guide
- 版本:
- 3.0.1
- 更新:
- 23/03/2012
- Size:
- 457.68 KB
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4
- 变化:
- Modified options page for connection to Windows Home Server 2011 - updated User Guide
- 版本:
- 3.0
- 更新:
- 24/11/2011
- Size:
- 447.88 KB
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4
- 变化:
- - Synchronisation of playlists between MediaMonkey and the Squeezebox system - Squeezebox devices can be powered on and off via MonkeySqueeze - Seek function fixed - Numerous minor bug fixes - Modified options page
- 版本:
- 2.0
- 更新:
- 22/09/2011
- Size:
- 376.92 KB
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4
- 变化:
- - Rewrite of the communications code, w3Sockets no longer required - Communicates directly with individual Squeezebox devices - Communicates with NAS devices - New enable disable function - Complete redesign of the settings page - Auto play removed

A WMDM plug-in is included MediaMonkey for most MP3 Players and Phones that are compatible with Windows (excluding the Zune). Such devices are often labelled as 'MTP' devices or 'Plays for Sure'. The plug-in synchronizes whatever audio/video formats are supported by the device along with related properties including Album Art, ratings, play history, and Playlists (assuming they are supported by the device). Note that this plug-in does not sync WMA files protected by DRM 10. Devices known to be compatible include most recent iRiver, Creative Labs, Sony, Sandisk, and other players.Hide original
Ventis Media, Inc.
提交者 rusty
更新 14/06/2011
- 版本:
- 4
- 更新:
- 14/06/2011
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4 - 4.9
- 变化:
- This is a link to the current version of MediaMonkey 4, which bundles this plug-in.

MediaMonkey can manage a library that is stored to a Network-attached Storage device (NAS) to be shared with devices such as the Sonos ZonePlayer.Hide original
Ventis Media, Inc.
提交者 rusty
更新 15/06/2011
- 版本:
- 4
- 更新:
- 15/06/2011
- 执照:
- Proprietary
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4 - 4.9
- 变化:
- This is a link to the current version of MediaMonkey 4, which includes a DLNA server.
这使得 MediaMonkey 可以通过 AirPlay 将音频发送到远程扬声器(例如连接到 Apple 的 AirPort Express 的扬声器)。
Translated automatically (see original)This lets MediaMonkey send audio to remote speakers via AirPlay (e.g. speakers connected to Apple's AirPort Express).
Hide original
Eric Milles
提交者 rusty
更新 17/12/2013
To be used with Linux. Creates a Linux symbolic link folder and file structure which mimics the MM playlist folder structure. The use of symlinks means that there is no additional storage requirement. This file structure is an ideal media source for music streamers such as Subsonic.Hide original
提交者 markstuartwalker
更新 14/07/2011
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 14/07/2011
- Size:
- 791.9 KB
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4.1
- 变化:
- Beta version largely tested against MM4 but know to work on MM3. Configuration page compacted to work with the limited space on MM3.
如果您知道设备 ID 并且始终想要同步该设备,那么您可以修改脚本以对 ID 进行硬编码并避免设备选择弹出窗口。
您至少需要使用 MM build 1628 才能使用此功能。
Translated automatically (see original)This script, as requested, will allow you to select one of the active devices, and trigger the automatic synchronisation process manually.
If you know the device ID and always want to synchronise this device, then you can modify the script to hard code the ID and avoid the device selection popup.
You need to be on MM build 1628 at least for this to work.
Hide original
提交者 trixmoto
更新 01/09/2013
- 版本:
- 1.0
- 更新:
- 01/09/2013
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- 变化:
New script which manually triggers to automatic synchronise process for the selected device.

对于 Android 设备,Auto-Sync 无法同步评级(不同步整个文件)和播放次数 - 无论是在 MTP(媒体播放器)还是在 MSC(大容量存储)模式下。这同样适用于所有 USB 大容量存储设备。此扩展允许您将评级标签从任何便携式 USB 设备同步回 MediaMonkey 并从/向 Android Music PlayerPro 播放统计数据!
Translated automatically (see original)With Android devices, Auto-Sync is unable to sync back ratings (without syncing back the entire file) and play count - whether in MTP (Media Player) or in MSC (Mass Storage) modes. The same applies for all USB mass storage devices. This extension allows you to sync your rating tags from any portable USB device back to MediaMonkey and play statistics from/to Android Music PlayerPro!
Hide original
提交者 Aff
更新 03/12/2013
- 版本:
- 1.9.3
- 更新:
- 03/12/2013
- Size:
- 25.4 KB
- 执照:
- GPL 3.0
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- 变化:
Messaage fixed when synced track is missing in MM
- 版本:
- 1.9.2
- 更新:
- 12/03/2013
- Size:
- 25.39 KB
- 执照:
- GPL 3.0
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- 变化:
- Ignore case for Music node matching
- 版本:
- 1.9.1
- 更新:
- 23/02/2013
- Size:
- 25.38 KB
- 执照:
- GPL 3.0
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- 变化:
- Match for USBMass*.dll instead of USBMass?.dll
- Check and optionally show duplicate tracks in XML
- Ignore case for XML look up
- More detailed log for duplicate tracks in XML
- 版本:
- 1.8.1
- 更新:
- 16/10/2012
- Size:
- 24.43 KB
- 执照:
- GPL 3.0
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- 变化:
- Report layout improved
- 版本:
- 1.8
- 更新:
- 15/10/2012
- Size:
- 24.39 KB
- 执照:
- GPL 3.0
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- 变化:
- XML track matching improved for unknown song titles
- Detailed reports
- Log tracks that were not found on the device
- 版本:
- 1.7
- 更新:
- 07/10/2012
- Size:
- 22.63 KB
- 执照:
- GPL 3.0
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- 变化:
- XML track matching improved where PlayerPro uses file or folder name (e.g. flac, unknown album and multiple artists)
- Message and detailed log if tracks could not be found in the XML
- 版本:
- 1.6
- 更新:
- 05/10/2012
- Size:
- 22.24 KB
- 执照:
- GPL 3.0
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- 变化:
- Added message text on how to ex-/import PlayerPro statistics and about deactivating WMDM
- Buttons in report list keep the exact position to the bottom when window is resized
- Log file shows statistics that are higher in MM than in PlayerPro (MM > XML)
- 版本:
- 1.5
- 更新:
- 02/09/2012
- Size:
- 22.08 KB
- 执照:
- GPL 3.0
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- 变化:
- Change items in import file for Player Pro only where needed
- Inform user if import in Player Pro is recommended
- 版本:
- 1.4
- 更新:
- 01/09/2012
- Size:
- 21.81 KB
- 执照:
- GPL 3.0
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- 变化:
- Sync stats from MM to Player Pro via import file (based on the last export)
- Sync back from PlayerPro was indicated even if there was no change, because of a finer time resolution in the XML than in MM
- Option for writing a debug log file
- 版本:
- 1.3
- 更新:
- 19/02/2012
- Size:
- 21.44 KB
- 执照:
- GPL 3.0
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.2 - 4
- 变化:
- Convert UTC/GMT to local time for last played date.
- Additional USBMass DLLs (e.g. USBMass1.dll for your phone and USBMass2.dll for your partner's phone) were ignored
- 版本:
- 1.2
- 更新:
- 15/01/2012
- Size:
- 8.28 KB
- 执照:
- GPL 3.0
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- 变化:
- Sync back of skip count (with MediaMonkey version 4) and last played date from Android PlayerPro.
- 版本:
- 1.1
- 更新:
- 10/12/2011
- Size:
- 7.53 KB
- 执照:
- GPL 3.0
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
这是为了同步您的评级标签并基于 Android Music PlayerPro使用的 Songbird RatingFile AddOn 格式 (SRF) 的 XML 文件播放统计数据。
如果您的设备支持 USB 大容量存储 (MSC),您可以改用同步评级和播放计数 (MSC) ,因为它可以更精确地匹配曲目。
This is to sync your rating tags and play statistics based on an XML file in Songbird RatingFile AddOn format (SRF) as used by Android Music PlayerPro.
Hide original
If your device supports USB mass storage (MSC), you may use Sync back ratings & play counts (MSC) instead, because it can match tracks more precisely.
提交者 Aff
更新 24/02/2013

USB 大容量存储插件包含在 4.1.6 之前的 MediaMonkey 版本中。它允许 MediaMonkey 与几乎任何 USB 大容量存储设备(在 Windows 资源管理器中显示为驱动器号的设备)同步。MediaMonkey 4.1.6+ 中包含的 MTP 插件可提供类似的功能,但是,此插件适用于需要同步到永久驱动器(例如,硬盘驱动器或映射到驱动器号的网络位置)的情况。
Translated automatically (see original)The USB Mass Storage Plug-in was included with versions of MediaMonkey prior to 4.1.6. It allows MediaMonkey to sync with almost any USB Mass Storage Device (a device that appears as a drive letter in Windows explorer). Similar functionality is available via the MTP plugin that is included with MediaMonkey 4.1.6+, however, this plug-in is provided for scenarios in which it's desirable to sync to a permanent drive (e.g. a hard drive or a networked location that's mapped to a drive letter).
Hide original
Ventis Media, Inc.
提交者 rusty
更新 17/02/2015
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 17/02/2015
- Size:
- 115.9 KB
- 执照:
- Proprietary
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4 - 4.9
- 变化:
First standalone version of this driver.