可以选择此脚本作为 AutoDJ 源,它将按照选项中指定的方式填充“正在播放”列表。此脚本允许用户设置每张专辑的最小曲目数以及专辑中歌曲的平均评分。您还可以设置每首曲目的最低评分。这一切都可以帮助您获得最佳曲目!脚本会记住它之前选择的专辑,并且不会再次播放它们(内存容量由用户设置)。
Translated automatically (see original)This script can be selected as the AutoDJ source and it will fill the Now Playing list as specified in your options. This script allows the user to set a minimum number of tracks per album, and the average rating of the songs on the album. You can also set the minimum rating per track. It all helps you get the best ones! The script remembers which albums it has previously selected and doesnt play them again (memory capacity set by user).
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Rik Lewis
提交者 trixmoto
更新 03/02/2012
- 版本:
- 3.8
- 更新:
- 03/02/2012
- Size:
- 12.03 KB
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.0 - 4.9
- 变化:
- Fixed the object required list error
此脚本根据 BPM(每分钟节拍数)选择曲目。安装后,“Auto Beats DJ”选项将出现在 Auto DJ 选项表的源下拉列表中。选择此源将允许您选择过滤器和容差。请注意,只有当您的曲目中已经计算了 BPM 时,您才应运行此脚本。如果您没有(在所选过滤器中),这将导致 Auto DJ 停止运行。
Translated automatically (see original)This script selects tracks based on the BPM (Beats Per Minute). Once installed the option "Auto Beats DJ" will appear in the dropdown of sources in the Auto DJ options sheet. Selecting this as the source will allow you to choose a filter and the tolerance. Please note that you should only run this script if you have tracks where the BPM has been calculated. If you do not have any (in the filter selected) then this will cause Auto DJ to cease functioning.
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Rik Lewis
提交者 trixmoto
更新 12/07/2012

具有 Last FM DJ 模式的 Last FM 节点
探索您的图书馆并从您自己的图书馆中获取最新的 FM 曲目列表和艺术家。
Translated automatically (see original)Last FM nodes with Last FM DJ mode
Explore your library and get last fm track lists and artists from out of your own library.
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提交者 Teknojnky
更新 19/04/2020
- 版本:
- 1.2.2020.04.19.1000
- 更新:
- 19/04/2020
- Size:
- 23.97 KB
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- 变化:
Recent Updates:
* fixed error 424 during similar track search
* not sure what I screwed up with fixurl, but I added some hardcoded codes to help bjork etc
* added option for last.fm key, see Tools > options > library > last.fm node
* you must enter a key, either your own or a publicly available one (see forum) or https://www.last.fm/api/account/create'
* updated api urls and changed to HTTPS'
* added some more logging, also added logging for tracks not found in library
potentially useful to see what artists/tracks you might be interested in'
that you don't already have'
* removed group and location nodes'
* added global top tracks under 'users' node'
* * added user recently played tracks under a favorite user node
Last.FM Scrobbler 将您的播放历史记录保存到 last.fm 服务,以便您可以找到具有相似音乐品味的人并获得个性化的音乐推荐。
Translated automatically (see original)The Last.FM Scrobbler saves your playback history to the last.fm service so that you can find people with similar musical tastes and get personalized music recommendations.
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Ventis Media
提交者 Peke
更新 27/11/2014
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 27/11/2014
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.0 - 4.9
- 变化:
Added basic status and stats
Added configuration for radio streams
Improved reliability
Fixed compatibility with Portable mode
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 15/11/2011
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 07/06/2011
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.1
- 变化:
- This new scrobbler adds compatibility with MediaMonkey 4.
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 21/10/2009
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.1.1 - 3.1.2
- 变化:
- This is the initial release of the Last.FM Scrobbler.
如果需要,请从您的 last.fm 帐户导入播放计数以更新您的 MediaMonkey 数据库。
Translated automatically (see original)Import play counts from your last.fm account to update your MediaMonkey database if needed.
Note: This script is stored to an external server, and may have been modified since it was posted.
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提交者 Psyker7
更新 01/04/2013
- 版本:
- 3.3
- 更新:
- 01/04/2013
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- 变化:
Fixed some errors in XML exported by last.fm Also updated some of the retry logic to allow clean failures if required, and to kill the pools if we get an error so resuming is quicker (if an HTTP connection hangs)
- 版本:
- 3.2
- 更新:
- 24/02/2013
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- 变化:
Fixed unicode issues with exports.
- 版本:
- 3.1
- 更新:
- 31/01/2013
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- 变化:
Updated version numbesr to be consistant with old vbs script.
Renamed files to remove references to python specific version
Added command line argument for non interactive.
Changes export files to be in a nice csv format.
- 版本:
- 3.0
- 更新:
- 31/01/2013
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- 变化:
Moved script to a python script, should run much faster now.
- 版本:
- 2.4
- 更新:
- 20/04/2012
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- 变化:
Fixed typo
- 版本:
- 2.3
- 更新:
- 07/04/2012
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
还添加了正确的 CUE 菜单项:删除错误的符号,将 Cr 添加到 Lf
Translated automatically (see original)System Open Cue File or Folder (if CUE not exists) for burn disc by one click.
Script add Menu Item to PopUp Menu
Also added Menu Item fo correct CUE: Delete incorect symbols add Cr to Lf
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Oleg Chervyakov
提交者 cholv
更新 27/01/2016
- 版本:
- 更新:
- 27/01/2016
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0
- 变化:
Added Menu Item for correct CPU: Delete incorrect letter and add Cr to Lf
pidgin-musictracker is a plugin for Pidgin which displays the media currently playing in your status message.Hide original
提交者 nohitter151
更新 03/02/2012
此脚本循环遍历所有选定(或可见)曲目的艺术家。它会为每个艺术家创建一个播放列表,并用查询 Last.Fm 找到的相关艺术家的曲目填充该播放列表。不要忘记使用设置,因为其中有一些限制可以阻止创建大量播放列表。
Translated automatically (see original)This script loops through the artists of all the selected (or visible) tracks. For each one it creates a playlist and fills it with tracks from related artists, found by querying Last.Fm. Don`t forget to play with the settings as there are some limits in there to stop massive playlists being created.
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Rik Lewis
提交者 trixmoto
更新 26/10/2013
- 版本:
- 2.2
- 更新:
- 26/10/2013
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 4.0 - 4.9
- 变化:
Fixed buttons appearing at the wrong time and added option to reset the script if needed.
- 版本:
- 2.1
- 更新:
- 27/12/2012
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.0 - 4.9
- 变化:
Fixed ReadLock/WriteLock errors and added option to ignore recently played tracks
- 版本:
- 2.0
- 更新:
- 22/07/2012
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3.0 - 4.9
- 变化:
Fixed 4 known issues and added two new options, including rank tracks using Last.Fm.
Want to Record Internet Radio? This standalone app records your favorite Shoutcast Radio or TV shows, iTunes radio, AOL Radio, Slacker.com, etc. Just set MediaMonkey to monitor the folder to which the tracks are saved.Hide original
Ratajik Software, LLC
提交者 rusty
更新 13/06/2011

XPORTY 是一个 MediaMonkey 脚本,它可以让您在导出曲目时完全控制目标设备上的文件夹和文件结构 - 以及播放顺序。
XPORTY 的特点是:
- 9 种不同的文件夹模式,让您确定目标上的文件夹/文件结构。
- 支持流行和古典音乐。
- 使用流派代码来增强您的聆听体验。
- 使用播放列表名称、缩写播放列表名称和播放列表预设。
- 使用播放列表曲目顺序并控制曲目编号约定。
- 控制轨道格式。
- 广泛的错误处理。
只需更改 MediaMonkey 播放列表的名称即可更改所有设置;无需编辑脚本本身。
该脚本附带一份全面的、超过 100 页的手册,其中包括两部分:如何正确组织您的音乐收藏以及如何使用 XPORTY。
Translated automatically (see original)XPORTY is a MediaMonkey script that will put you in complete control of the folder and file structure -and hence the playing order- on your target device when exporting tracks.
XPORTY 's features are:
- 9 different folder modes which let you determine the folder/file structure on the target.
- Support for popular and classical music.
- Use genre codes to enhance your listening experience.
- Use playlist names, abbreviated playlist names and playlist presets.
- Use the playlist track order and control the track numbering convention.
- Control the track format.
- Extensive error handling.
All settings can be changed by simply changing the name of your MediaMonkey playlist; it is not necessary to edit the script itself.The script comes with a comprehensive, 100+ page manual that consists of two parts: how to organize your music collection properly and how to use XPORTY.
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提交者 FunnyFish
更新 15/02/2012
- 版本:
- 1.0
- 更新:
- 15/02/2012
- Size:
- 2.98 MB
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- 变化:
The installation ZIP file comes with:
- The XPORTY manual, XPORTY.PDF.
- The XPORTY script, XPORTY.TXT.
- The release notes, XPORTY.RelNotes.XLS
- A readable version of the script, XPORTY CR.TXT.
The manual contains all you need to know about installing and using the script, but can also be used as a stand-alone tutorial onhow to organize and tag your tracks in order to get the most out of your precious music collection.