这些可视化插件和预设仅与 MediaMonkey 4 兼容。

教程:将 BeatHarness 文件夹和 vis_BeatHarness.dll 文件复制到 MediaMonkey 中的 Plugins 文件夹。
Translated automatically (see original)The ultimate plugin ! User-scripted fx & transitions using images, video and live-camera-input !!!
Tutorial: Copy the BeatHarness folder and the vis_BeatHarness.dll file to the Plugins folder in MediaMonkey.
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Lennart Denninger
提交者 Raul2022
更新 15/03/2022

G-Force 是最动态、最复杂且极具艺术性的音乐可视化之一。要安装,请关闭 MediaMonkey,安装 MediaMonkey 版本,运行 MediaMonkey 并启用插件。
Translated automatically (see original)G-Force is one of the most dynamic and sophisticated, yet entirely artistic, music visualizations. To install, close MediaMonkey, install the MediaMonkey version, run MediaMonkey and enable the plugin.
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提交者 rusty
更新 21/10/2009

这是我刚刚在 Wayback Machine 上找到的 MediaMonkey 的旧 G-Force 版本。
教程:将所有 G-Force ColorMaps、DeltaFields、Particles 和 Waveshapes 文件夹以及 VIS_G-Force.dll 文件复制到 MediaMonkey 中的 Plugins 文件夹。
Translated automatically (see original)This is an old G-Force version for MediaMonkey that I just found on Wayback Machine.
Tutorial: Copy all the G-Force ColorMaps, DeltaFields, Particles and Waveshapes folders and the VIS_G-Force.dll file to the Plugins folder in MediaMonkey.
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Andy O' Meara
提交者 Raul2022
更新 28/02/2022

Geiss 2 是 Geiss 的续集,与 MediaMonkey 捆绑在一起。Geiss 2 具有更高的分辨率、平滑的混合、多显示器支持以及新的动作和调色板,但许多人仍然更喜欢原版。要安装,请关闭 MediaMonkey,将 Geiss 安装到 MediaMonkey 目录,运行 MediaMonkey 并启用插件。
Translated automatically (see original)Geiss 2 is a sequel to Geiss which is bundled with MediaMonkey. Geiss 2 has higher resolutions, smooth blends, multimonitor support, and new movements and palettes, but many still prefer the original. To install, close MediaMonkey, install Geiss to the MediaMonkey directory, run MediaMonkey and enable the plugin.
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Ryan Geiss
提交者 rusty
更新 07/06/2011
- 版本:
- 2
- 更新:
- 07/06/2011
- 执照:
- Freeware
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 2 - 4
- 变化:
Link goes to the Wayback machine because the Winamp site no longer contians old plugins.
If link doesn't work, go to:

MediaMonkey 的另一个 Unix 可视化。
教程:将 vis_goom.dll(您下载的文件)复制到 MediaMonkey 中的 Plugins 文件夹。
Translated automatically (see original)Another Unix visualization for MediaMonkey.
Tutorial: Copy the vis_goom.dll (the file you downloaded) to the Plugins folder in MediaMonkey.
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Jean-Christophe Hölt
提交者 Raul2022
更新 26/02/2022

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提交者 mstrange
更新 30/11/2014

Morphyre 是一个动画音乐反应可视化系统,具有数千个独特的 3D 场景。要安装,请关闭 MediaMonkey,安装 MediaMonkey 版本,运行 MediaMonkey 并启用插件。
Translated automatically (see original)Morphyre is an animated music-reactive visualization system with thousands of unique 3D scenes. To install, close MediaMonkey, install the MediaMonkey version, run MediaMonkey and enable the plugin.
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Pur3 Ltd
提交者 rusty
更新 07/06/2011

Psychedelic 3d-accelerated patterns. Cool, but not earth shattering. To install, close MediaMonkey, install to the MediaMonkey directory, run MediaMonkey and enable the plugin.
Translated automatically (see original)Psychedelic 3d-accelerated patterns. Cool, but not earth shattering. To install, close MediaMonkey, install to the MediaMonkey directory, run MediaMonkey and enable the plugin.
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Pascal Dallongeville
提交者 rusty
更新 07/06/2011
- 版本:
- 2
- 更新:
- 07/06/2011
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- 变化:
Link goes to the Wayback machine because the Winamp site no longer contians old plugins.
If link doesn't work, go to:

Punkie 不仅仅是另一个类似 Geiss 的插件。它具有反应式缩放效果,看起来非常酷,让我们尝试一下吧!
教程:将 vis_punkie.dll(您下载的文件)复制到 MediaMonkey 中的 Plugins 文件夹。
Translated automatically (see original)Punkie is not just another Geiss-like plugin.It has a reactive zoom effect that look pretty cool, let's have a try !
Tutorial: Copy the vis_punkie.dll (the file you downloaded) to the Plugins folder in MediaMonkey.
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Pascal Dallongeville
提交者 Raul2022
更新 15/03/2022

令人放松、心情愉悦的动画臀部风景,色彩丰富,动作逼真。要安装,请关闭 MediaMonkey,安装 MediaMonkey 版本,运行 MediaMonkey 并启用插件。
Translated automatically (see original)Relaxing, mood-enhancing animated buttscapes, rich with color and realistic motion. To install, close MediaMonkey, install the MediaMonkey version, run MediaMonkey and enable the plugin.
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提交者 rusty
更新 07/06/2011

Translated automatically (see original)Don't wait, choose the real space. NOWÂ
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Pascal Dallongeville
提交者 Raul2022
更新 26/02/2022
- 版本:
- 0.9
- 更新:
- 26/02/2022
- Size:
- 89.86 KB
- 执照:
- i dont have any license type...
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 2.2 - 4.1
- 变化:
Copy the space folder and vis_space.dll file to the plugins folder of your MediaMonkey.

如果您拥有能够胜任这项任务的 3D 图形硬件,那么这是最出色的插件之一,绝对值得一试。要安装,请关闭 MediaMonkey,安装到 MediaMonkey 目录,运行 MediaMonkey 并启用该插件。
Translated automatically (see original)If you've got 3-d graphics hardware that's up to the task, this is one of the slickest plugins, and is definitely worth a try. To install, close MediaMonkey, install to the MediaMonkey directory, run MediaMonkey and enable the plugin.
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Ben Marsh
提交者 rusty
更新 07/06/2011

经典 vis 的全新更新。要安装,请关闭 MediaMonkey,解压到 MediaMonkey 目录,运行 MediaMonkey 并启用插件。
Translated automatically (see original)A brand-new update to a classic vis. To install, close MediaMonkey, extract to the MediaMonkey directory, run MediaMonkey and enable the plugin.
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Brian Spangler
提交者 rusty
更新 07/06/2011

具有未来主义风格的线框网格视觉效果,并带有动态背景和颜色。要安装,请关闭 MediaMonkey,安装 MediaMonkey 版本,运行 MediaMonkey 并启用插件。
Translated automatically (see original)Features futuristic, wireframe mesh visuals with dynamic backgrounds and colors. To install, close MediaMonkey, install the MediaMonkey version, run MediaMonkey and enable the plugin.
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提交者 rusty
更新 07/06/2011