将所有主要元数据字段中的所有不同类型的 Unicode 撇号替换为标准撇号。
(从技术上讲,U+0060、U+00B4、U+2018 和 U+2019 都被 U+0027 取代。)
Translated automatically (see original)Replace all the different types of unicode apostrophes with the standard one in all of the main metadata fields.
i.e., `´‘’ all convert to '
(Technically, U+0060, U+00B4, U+2018, and U+2019 all are replaced with U+0027.)
(Fields checked/affected are: Album, Album Artist, Artist, Composer, Conductor, Involved People, Lyricist, Original Artist, Original Title, Producer, Publisher, Quality, Summary, Tempo, and Title)
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提交者 Keeps
更新 02/04/2022