没有直接下载,收到捐款后将通过电子邮件发送附加组件。MM4 的免费版本可在其网站上下载。
Translated automatically (see original)It allows finding and displaying of the folder that contains the currently playing track within the selected branch of the Media Tree automatically whenever the program starts to play another track. After the containing folder is located, the currently playing track will be selected in the main tracklist.
There is no direct download, the add-on will be send by e-mail after received donation. The free version for MM4 is available for download at its web site.
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Zvezdan Dimitrijević
提交者 ZvezdanD
更新 20/06/2022
- 版本:
- 2.0
- 更新:
- 20/06/2022
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 5
- 变化:
Added: version of the add-on for MediaMonkey v5.