基于 Media Monkey 5 附带的原始 Material Design 皮肤的皮肤。此版本允许使用浅色和深色基色以及六种强调色:蓝色、灰色、绿色、橙色、紫色和红色。(橙色强调色与 Material Design 深色主题相同。)字体可以设置为 Serif、Sans-serif 或 Monospaced,并具有三种不同的字体大小。
Translated automatically (see original)A skin based on the original Material Design skin that ships with Media Monkey 5. This version allows for light and dark base colors with six accent colors: blue, gray, green, orange, purple, and red. (The orange accent color is the same as the Material Design dark theme.) The font can be set as Serif, Sans-serif or Monospaced with three different font sizes.
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Hawke AI
提交者 WolfHawke
更新 09/12/2022