此插件创建了快捷方式来重新加载窗口并刷新 LESS/CSS 样式,对皮肤设计师和开发人员很有用。
在右侧工具栏中添加一个按钮以及一个可配置的热键(默认值为 Shift+F5(仅用于样式设置)和 Ctrl+Shift+F5(用于整个窗口重新加载)。
Translated automatically (see original)This addon creates shortcuts to reload the window and refresh the LESS/CSS styling, useful for skinners and developers.
Adds a button in the right toolbar, as well as a configurable hotkey (The defaults are Shift+F5 for just styling and Ctrl+Shift+F5 for full window reload).
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Ventis Media, Inc.
提交者 drakinite
更新 17/12/2020
- 版本:
- 1.0.2
- 更新:
- 17/12/2020
- Size:
- 6.04 KB
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 5.0.0 - 5.0.0
- 变化:
Added option to just reload the LESS/CSS styling or to perform a full window reload.
Default hotkey for the faster, "soft" reload is Shift + F5, and the default hotkey for the full reload is Ctrl + Shift + F5. You can now right-click on the icon to choose which one to execute.
- 版本:
- 1.0.1
- 更新:
- 08/12/2020
- Size:
- 4.93 KB
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 5.0.0 - 5.0.0