
这是 VBS 到 JavaScript 的转换,使用正则表达式将常见的 VBS 表达式转换为其等效的 JavaScript 语句。请注意,此插件仅供程序员使用,绝不是 MM4 插件的一键转换。转换过程中出现的任何错误都会记录在底部的评论中。
它可以帮助您先将旧的 VBS 脚本转换为 JavaScript,但可能需要做一些工作才能使其发挥作用。此外,我们建议在大多数情况下手动重写脚本代码,因为 JavaScript 中的工作流程可能有很大不同。
Translated automatically (see original)This is an for VBS to JavaScript conversion, using regular expressions to convert common VBS expressions into their equivalent JavaScript statements. Please note that this addon is meant as a tool for programmers only, and it is by no means a one-click conversion for MM4 addons. Any errors that occur in the conversion get logged in comments on the bottom.
It can help give a head start on converting your old VBS scripts to JavaScript, but some work will likely need to be done to make it functional. Additionally, we recommend in most situations to rewrite script code manually, as the workflow in JavaScript can be significantly different.
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Ventis Media, Inc.
提交者 drakinite
更新 26/05/2021
在屏幕左上角添加 FPS 计数器。有助于开发人员/测试人员进行性能分析。
按热键打开/关闭计数器(默认热键为 F6)。
Translated automatically (see original)Adds an FPS counter to the top-left of the screen. Useful for performance analysis for developers/testers.
Press the hotkey to toggle the counter on/off (Default hotkey is F6).
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提交者 drakinite2
更新 21/11/2020
- 版本:
- 1.0.3
- 更新:
- 21/11/2020
- Size:
- 26.65 KB
- 执照:
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 5.0.0 - 5.0.0
- 变化:
Fixed a bug that caused the default hotkeys to not load when persistent.json is deleted.
Code is all commented and explained, in case any devs want to take a look at how to do something similar. :)
- 版本:
- 1.0.2
- 更新:
- 11/11/2020
- Size:
- 26.41 KB
- 执照:
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 5.0.0 - 5.0.0
- 变化:
Version 1.0.2: Configurable settings!
Can now change:
- Position on screen
- Text color, black or white
- Font weight, bold or regular
In addition, it now automatically pauses after 5 minutes of inactivity, so that it doesn't needlessly eat up your CPU if you accidentally leave it on.
- 版本:
- 1.0
- 更新:
- 07/11/2020
- Size:
- 23.13 KB
- 执照:
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 5.0.0 - 5.0.0
- 变化:
First version!

需要 MediaMonkey 5.0.4+。在此下载测试版。
列出 MediaMonkey 使用的图标。管理图标:显示、复制、启动编辑程序(Inkscape)。
- 默认图标:C:_Program Files (x86)_MediaMonkey 5_skin_icon
- 皮肤图标:C:_Program Files (x86)_MediaMonkey 5_Skins_<SkinActiv>_skin_icon
- 自定义图标:选择文件夹
图标(扩展名 .svg)显示在网格中。
_ 双击查看更大版本
_ 使用复制按钮复制到当前皮肤
_ 使用资源管理器按钮打开目录
_ 使用 Inkscape 按钮修改图标
Translated automatically (see original)Requires MediaMonkey 5.0.4+. Download the beta here.
List icons used by MediaMonkey. Manage icons : display, copy , launch edit program (Inkscape).
Open the options menu and navigate to the new Layout > Icons section.Â
Select the icons path to list :
- Default icons : C:_Program Files (x86)_MediaMonkey 5_skin_icon
- Skin icons  : C:_Program Files (x86)_MediaMonkey 5_Skins_<SkinActiv>_skin_icon
- Custom icons : choose the folder
Select if you want see also Subdirectories (Display folder content recursively)
The Icons (extension .svg) are displayed in the grid.
You can :Â
_ Double click to see greaterÂ
_ Use Copy button to copy to current skin
_ Use Explorer button to open directoryÂ
_ Use Inkscape button to modify icons
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提交者 gb63
更新 11/07/2022
- 版本:
- 1.0
- 更新:
- 11/07/2022
- Size:
- 510.65 KB
- 执照:
- Creative Commons BY SA 4.0
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 5.0.4
- 变化:
- corrective: The MMIP is packaged improperly.
- corrective : In dlgOptions_add.js, there's a typo: the panel is labeled "Icones" instead of "Icons".
- Add control when Activ Skin is zipped (ex: C:Program Files (x86)MediaMonkey 5skinsSkinzipped.zip)Â
 because addon don't work completely with !Â

此插件创建了快捷方式来重新加载窗口并刷新 LESS/CSS 样式,对皮肤设计师和开发人员很有用。
在右侧工具栏中添加一个按钮以及一个可配置的热键(默认值为 Shift+F5(仅用于样式设置)和 Ctrl+Shift+F5(用于整个窗口重新加载)。
Translated automatically (see original)This addon creates shortcuts to reload the window and refresh the LESS/CSS styling, useful for skinners and developers.
Adds a button in the right toolbar, as well as a configurable hotkey (The defaults are Shift+F5 for just styling and Ctrl+Shift+F5 for full window reload).
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Ventis Media, Inc.
提交者 drakinite
更新 17/12/2020
- 版本:
- 1.0.2
- 更新:
- 17/12/2020
- Size:
- 6.04 KB
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 5.0.0 - 5.0.0
- 变化:
Added option to just reload the LESS/CSS styling or to perform a full window reload.
Default hotkey for the faster, "soft" reload is Shift + F5, and the default hotkey for the full reload is Ctrl + Shift + F5. You can now right-click on the icon to choose which one to execute.
- 版本:
- 1.0.1
- 更新:
- 08/12/2020
- Size:
- 4.93 KB
- 适用于:
- Media Monkey 5.0.0 - 5.0.0
该插件提供了一个窗口,允许您在 MediaMonkey 5 界面内执行 SQL 查询。
Translated automatically (see original)This addon provides a window that allows you to execute SQL queries from within the MediaMonkey 5 interface.
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Ventis Media, Inc.
提交者 drakinite
更新 14/11/2021