在以下情况下,可能会出现 UAC 或 COM Elevator 提示要求输入管理权限:
- MediaMonkey 正在尝试保存某些系统配置设置(例如,将 MediaMonkey 设置为某些文件类型的默认应用程序或附加组件的安装)。
Windows 将要求确认(它将显示用户访问控制提示)MediaMonkey 是否被允许访问系统的受保护部分以进行这些更改。这在程序安装后首次运行时是正常的。MediaMonkey 将把微型播放器注册为 Windows 任务栏的工具栏,并设置在 MediaMonkey 选项中启用的任何文件关联。一旦接受,MediaMonkey 将进行这些系统更改。
如果您不想授予 MediaMonkey 此类访问权限,您可以:- 不接受提示,然后更改 MediaMonkey 的配置,使其不与音频/视频文件关联。为此,请在主菜单中单击工具 > 选项 > 操作系统集成,然后禁用“启动时重新关联文件类型” (如果可用)和/或取消选中所有其他复选框,以便 MediaMonkey 不会尝试将其自身与 Windows 集成。
- 卸载 MediaMonkey,然后以便携模式重新安装(安装 MediaMonkey 期间安装向导中的一个选项)。作为便携应用程序安装的 MediaMonkey 不会对 Windows 进行修改。
- 运行 MediaMonkey 时,防病毒软件会错误地触发 UAC 提示(由于 Global Hotkeys 功能和/或有效但过期的证书)。在这种情况下,单击提示中的“显示更多…”将表明问题与“{CLASSID:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}”有关。在这种情况下,请联系您的 AV 供应商,告知他们误报和/或检查是否有可用的较新版本的 MediaMonkey 。
- 在某些情况下,Windows 本身会将 MediaMonkey.exe 设置为强制使用管理员权限启动。要纠正此问题:
- 转到 MediaMonkey 安装文件夹
- 右键单击 MediaMonkey.exe
- 选择属性
- 兼容性
- 检查是否已选中以管理员身份运行
- 如果是,则禁用它
The UAC or COM Elevator prompt for administrative rights can appear when:
- MediaMonkey is trying to save certain system configuration settings (e.g. setting MediaMonkey as default application for certain file types, or installation of Addons).
Windows will ask for confirmation (it will show a User Access Control prompt) that MediaMonkey is allowed to access protected parts of the system in order to make these changes. This is normal on first run of a program after it’s installed. MediaMonkey will register the micro player as a toolbar for the Windows Taskbar and set any file associations enabled in the MediaMonkey options. Once accepted, these system changes will be made by MediaMonkey.
If you prefer not to grant MediaMonkey such access, you can:- Not accept the prompt, and then change MediaMonkey’s configuration to not associate itself with audio/video files. To do so, click Tools > Options > OS Integration from the Main Menu, and then disable ‘Re-associate File Types on Startup’ (if available) and/or uncheck all other check boxes so that MediaMonkey doesn’t try to integrate itself with Windows.
- Uninstall MediaMonkey, and then re-install it in Portable Mode (an option in the Install Wizard during installation of MediaMonkey). MediaMonkey installed as a Portable App will not make modifications to Windows.
- Anti-Virus software erroneously triggers the UAC prompt when MediaMonkey is run (due to Global Hotkeys functionality and/or a valid but dated certificate). In such cases, clicking ‘Show more…’ in the prompt will indicate that the problem is related to “{CLASSID:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}”. In such cases, contact your AV vendor to tell them about a false positive and/or check if there is a newer version of MediaMonkey available.
- In some cases Windows itself is setting MediaMonkey.exe to be forced to start using Administrator rights. To correct that:
- go to MediaMonkey installation folder
- right click MediaMonkey.exe
- select properties
- Compatibility
- Check If Run as Administrator is checked
- If yes, then disable it
Applies to: MMW4, MMW5+
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