即使能够正确读取 CD 文本,也并非所有 CD/DVD 刻录机都支持在音频 CD 上写入 CD 文本,并且并非所有 CD 播放器都能够显示 CD 文本。
查看制造商文档,了解您用于刻录的驱动器是否支持刻录 CD-Text,以及用于播放的驱动器是否支持读取 CD-Text。Nero Info Tool(可在线下载,但不是从原始开发商处下载)等工具可以显示您的驱动器是否支持 CD-Text。
无法使用 CD-Text 刻录音频 CD
适用于: MMW4
Translated automatically (see original)Can’t Burn Audio CD with CD-Text
Not all CD/DVD burners support writing of CD-Text on Audio CDs even when they’re able to read CD-Text correctly and not all CD Players are able to display CD-Text.
Check with the manufacturers documentation if your drive used to burn supports burning with CD-Text and that the drive used for playback supports reading CD-Text. A tool like Nero Info Tool (download can be found online, but not from original developer) can show if your drive supports CD-Text.Applies to: MMW4
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