
插件是 MediaMonkey 和第三方开发人员编写的脚本,用于扩展 MediaMonkey 的功能。大多数插件可以按如下方式安装:

大多数插件都以 .mmip 文件的形式发布。您可以通过双击 .mmip 文件或从主菜单转到“工具”>“插件” ,然后使用“添加”选择扩展的 .mmip 文件来安装 .mmip 扩展


  1. 如果 MediaMonkey 以便携模式运行,您必须通过主菜单中的工具 > 附加组件手动安装脚本。
  2. 如果扩展名以 .mmip 文件的形式提供,但它在您的电脑上保存为 .zip 文件,则将扩展名改回 .mmip(您可以在主菜单下的工具 > 附加组件下安装以 .zip 形式下载的 .mmip 文件(不要解压文件))。

使用 MediaMonkey 3 和 4 时,使用工具 > 扩展而不是工具 > 附加组件来安装附加组件。

某些脚本(通常是较旧的脚本)未打包为 .mmip 安装程序文件,必须手动安装。请按照扩展程序提供的安装说明进行操作。如果没有提供,则一般安装说明如下:

  • 带有安装程序的脚本(通常用于 MediaMonkey 2.x):
    1. 关闭 MediaMonkey
    2. 运行脚本的安装程序
    3. 重新启动MediaMonkey
  • 没有安装程序的自动脚本:
    1. 关闭 MediaMonkey。
    2. 如果脚本不是以文件形式提供的,请打开记事本,复制脚本文本,将其粘贴到记事本中,然后使用适当的脚本名称保存文件(例如 newscript.vbs)。
    3. 将脚本文件复制到以下文件夹:C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\scripts\auto
    4. 重新启动MediaMonkey
  • 没有安装程序的脚本:
    1. 关闭 MediaMonkey
    2. 如果脚本不是以文件形式提供的,请打开记事本,复制脚本文本,将其粘贴到记事本中,然后使用适当的脚本名称保存文件(例如 newscript.vbs)。
    3. 将脚本文件复制到以下文件夹:C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\scripts\
    4. 在 scripts.ini 中添加一个条目来定义脚本的工作方式:
    5. 在记事本中打开 C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Scripts.ini
    6. 编辑文件,使其包含以下内容:
      一个新的 [SectionName],用于唯一标识脚本(例如[Newscript]
      Filename=脚本所在文件的名称,(例如 Filename=Newscript.vbs)
      ScriptType=x 定义脚本的类型。可能的值包括:
      0 = 出现在工具脚本子菜单中的标准脚本。
      1 = 可以在 FileExport 子菜单中找到的导出脚本。
      2 = 每当启动新的轨道时调用的过程。
      DisplayName=脚本的名称。脚本在 MediaMonkey 菜单中的此名称下列出。
      Language=通常是 VBScript,但可以是任何其他脚本语言,例如 JScript。
      Shortcut= 可以指定在 MM 中调用脚本的快捷方式。
    7. 重新启动MediaMonkey

MediaMonkey 5 插件论坛
MediaMonkey 3 & 4 插件论坛


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How to Install Addons (Extensions)

Addons are scripts written by MediaMonkey and Third Party developers to expand MediaMonkey’s functionality. Most Addons can be installed as follows:

Most Addons are published as .mmip files. You can install .mmip extensions by double clicking on the .mmip file or by going to Tools > Addons from the Main Menu and using Add to select the .mmip file for the extension


  1. If MediaMonkey is running in portable mode, you’ll have to manually install the script via Tools > Addons from the Main Menu.
  2. If the extension is provided as a .mmip file, but it saves on your PC as a .zip file, then change the extension back to .mmip (you can install .mmip files downloaded as a .zip under Tools > Addons from the Main Menu (don’t unzip the file)).

With MediaMonkey 3 & 4 use Tools > Extensions instead of Tools > Addons to install Addons.

Some scripts (often older ones) aren’t packaged as .mmip installer files and must be manually installed. Follow the instructions provided with the extension on how to install. If none are provided the general installation instructions are as follows:

  • Scripts with an installer (typically for MediaMonkey 2.x):
    1. Close MediaMonkey
    2. Run the script’s installer
    3. Restart MediaMonkey
  • Auto-scripts that don’t have an installer:
    1. Close MediaMonkey.
    2. If the script isn’t available as a file, open Notepad, copy the text of the script, paste it into notepad, and then save the file with the appropriate script name (e.g. newscript.vbs).
    3. Copy the script file to the following folder: C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\scripts\auto
    4. Restart MediaMonkey
  • Scripts that don’t have an installer:
    1. Close MediaMonkey
    2. If the script is not available as a file, open Notepad, copy the text of the script, paste it into notepad, and then save the file with the appropriate script name (e.g. newscript.vbs).
    3. Copy the script file to the following folder: C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\scripts\
    4. Add an entry to scripts.ini to define how the script should work:
    5. Open the C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\Scripts\Scripts.ini in notepad
    6. Edit the file so that it contains the following:
      A new [SectionName] for the script to uniquely identify it (e.g. [Newscript])
      Filename= Name of a file where the script is located, (e.g. Filename=Newscript.vbs)
      ProcName= Name of a procedure to be called when the script is executed.
      This procedure must exist in the script that is specified above (this is only required for some scripts).
      ScriptType=x to define the type of the script. Possible values are:
      0 = A standard script that appears in ToolsScripts submenu.
      1 = An export script that can be found in FileExport submenu.
      2 = A procedure that is called whenever a new Track is started.
      This script doesn’t appear in any menu, it’s simply called in the background.
      Order=x to define the order in which the script is displayed in the submenu.
      DisplayName= Name of Script. The script is listed under this name in the MediaMonkey menu.
      Description= Description of the Script. This is shown as a tooltip when the mouse is over the script’s menu entry.
      Language= Is usually VBScript, but can be any other scripting language, e.g. JScript.
      Shortcut= Can specify a shortcut that will invoke the script in MM.
      You can use any of the string “Shift+”, “Ctrl+” or “Alt+” even combined together and followed either by a single letter or by a special key, which are: BkSp, Tab, Enter, Esc, Space, PgUp, PgDn, End, Home, Left, Up, Right, Down, Ins, Del.
    7. Restart MediaMonkey

Many extensions can be found at:
MediaMonkey 5 Addon Forum
MediaMonkey 3 & 4 Addon Forum

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