曲目无法同步到 MP3 播放器


  1. 有些设备仅支持同步到设备的根目录。在这种情况下,请设置同步目标格式,使其不使用任何子目录。例如,使用<Artist>-<Title>而不是/Music/<Artist>-<Title>
  2. 有些设备支持每个目录的文件数量有限。如果某些曲目无法同步,将同步目标格式更改为使用子目录可能会解决问题。例如,使用/Music/<Artist>/<Album>-<Title> ...而不是/Music/<Artist>-<Title >
  3. 有些设备仅接受 8.3 路径。在这种情况下,请将同步目标更改为例如
    \音乐$Trim($左($替换(, ,_),8))$Trim($左($替换((, ,_),5))_$Trim($右(,2))$Trim($左(-$替换(, ,_),8))
  4. 某些设备不会显示曲目文件名中包含某些字符(例如“{”或“}”)的曲目。要解决此问题,请编辑 MediaMonkey.ini 文件的 [FilenameMappings] 部分,添加以下两行:
  5. 一些 Zen 设备、Sony Walkman NWZ-A828、Archos 设备(例如 43 IT 和 70 IT)以及一些移动电话(诺基亚 5800、HTC Desire)存在 MediaMonkey 错误,导致同步将曲目复制到设备的根目录,而忽略目标掩码。此外,同步可能不完整。要解决此问题,请编辑 MediaMonkey.ini 文件,添加以下内容:


知识库: 编辑 Windows 版 MediaMonkey .ini 文件

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Tracks Fail to Sync to an MP3 Player

Dedicated Audio Player devices (especially older ones) often have limitations that require sync settings to be tweaked to sync. Otherwise (some) files will fail to sync, or appear to sync but fail to display on the device. Some examples and workarounds:

  1. Some devices only support synchronization to the device’s root directory. In such cases set the sync destination format so that it doesn’t use any subdirectories. e.g. <Artist>-<Title> instead of /Music/<Artist>-<Title>
  2. Some devices support a limited number of files per directory. If some tracks fail to sync, changing the sync destination format to use subdirectories may solve the problem. e.g. use /Music/<Artist>/<Album>-<Title> …instead of /Music/<Artist>-<Title>
  3. Some devices only accept 8.3 paths. In such cases, change the sync destination to e.g.
    \Music$Trim($Left($Replace(, ,_),8))$Trim($Left($Replace((, ,_),5))_$Trim($Right(,2))$Trim($Left(-$Replace(, ,_),8))
  4. Some devices won’t display tracks containing certain characters such as ‘{‘ or ‘}’ in a track’s filename. To fix this issue, edit the [FilenameMappings] section of MediaMonkey.ini file by adding the following two lines:
  5. Some Zen devices, Sony Walkman NWZ-A828, Archos devices (e.g. 43 IT and 70 IT) and several Mobile phones ( Nokia 5800, HTC Desire) exhibit a bug with MediaMonkey causing synchronization to copy tracks to the device’s root directory, ignoring the destination mask. Additionally, the sync may be incomplete. To fix this issue, edit the MediaMonkey.ini file by adding the following:


Online Help: Configuring directory and filename formats
Knowledge Base: Editing the MediaMonkey for Windows .ini file

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